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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Judy Genova <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 May 2001 19:52:25 EDT
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Not to beat a dead chicken, but please understand that most (if not all)
organic pasture raised chicken is fed LOT OF grain and sometimes soybeans.
In order to be certified organic, the feed must have all the component parts
able to be traced back to organic sources.  Therefore,  fishmeal usually can
not be added to organic feed because the ocean can not be certified organic.
UNBELIEVABLE,  BUT TRUE, FOLKS.....  Although many organic poultry farmers
would prefer to give their chicken more fish and flaxmeal as opposed to
soybean and cornmeal, the sad truth is it ain't gonna happen anytime soon -
unless you find a farmer who can make their own feed from scratch (no pun
intended).  Fortunately, a pasture raised organic chicken gets fresh grass
and the occassional worm, but certainly a wild turkey or partridge or
pheasant is a much better meal, as far as EFA's are concerned...  Now with
moveable poultry houses, where the chickens are moved en mass onto fresh
grass every 1-3 days, they don't get to choose where they want to roam
instinctively.  So, if their bodies tell them they need more chickweed, and
it isn't within the confines of their pasture poultry cage, then tough luck.
SOmetimes, they can't even get the full range of sun, because their hooped
houses are covered to protect them from predators.....   Finally, most
organic poultry farmers are raising a breed of chickens that I affectionately
refer to as "the Frankenstein Birds" - in other words the genetically hybrid
variety called Cornish X Rock.  They are genetically programmed to stufff
themselves with feed, and they make the most productive feed to muscle
conversion than any of the more traditional slower heavy meat birds - like
Rhode Island Reds, for example.  Every two bit organic chicken farmer and
their brother are raising this type of monster chicken because of the quick
turnover - 12 weeks from chick to chicken, move em on up, and get ready for
the next batch..... TIME IS MONEY..

So, next time you go to your organic poultry farmer, ask him/her what breed
they're raising for you.  One year, I raised these hideous  technological
excuses for chickens.  One in the group had 3 legs!!!!  I put a plate of
worms in front of these stupid birds, and they ignored them, preferring to
sit in front of the feed trough, sometimes falling asleep with their heads in
the feed!   Talk about domestication....

Sorry to burst anyone's eggs.....

Judy Genova, cavegirl and chicken raiser who lets her chickens roam......