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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Kebba Sillah <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Apr 2001 13:25:37 -0500
text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (129 lines)
Hello G'lers,

I would like to comment on a few things I have observed since joining this
forum.  First and foremost, the hypocrisy and biasness of this forum is
amazing.  before going further, let me entertain the "list managers" by
commending them for a job well done to kick away I, Jereh Jarju from this
forum in a timely manner.  The mails just stopped coming, and I knew I got
the boot.

Let's get to the point again.  I would want to warn the list managers, that
next time I get deleted from this mailing list, I would start my own
campaign to shut this service down for GOOD!  DO YOU HEAR ME?  Then maybe
they would realise what an who exactly they might be up against.  What
makes it OK for someone to use words like imbecile (which of course is
synonymous to idiot) and still remain a subscriber to this service?

To Saul!
Now you do have a new strategy tough guy, don't you.  You picking up from
where Ebrima Ceesay left off.  Now you have contacts sending you stuff
about issues in The Gambia.  Or really?  Or maybe, Saul woke up today and
decided to formulate something to catch the reader.  You idiot.  Sum up the
years you've spent in America.  Double it and voila, almost your age.
Bro., don't tell me you've wasted half of your life floating around the
slums of D.C.

To Hamjatta and his faithful disciples!
Have you ever looked in the mirror lately and ask yourself this question.
"What have I done for The Gambia?"  Yeah, I bet you have!  Your neurotic
ideas are only digestible by your own psychotic thoughts.  I knew you had a
big mouth, but never realised the dimensions until I took a peak at your
web site.  Oh boy!  it was quite wide!

To "List Managers"!
You idiots!  So you thought you're done with Jereh, eehhmm!  Better think
again.  I dare you fools to unsubscribe me just one more time and we see
where this goes.  How convenient for me to contact St. Johns and forward
all the garbage that has been written against the present gov't.  I will
explain in detail how this forum is best used as a political hub for
political psychos to harass, abuse, etc current issues in The Gambia.  And
you bet nothing's better than all the examples one can find from the
archives.  Oops better yet from my life-long mailbox I have been carrying
around for 3 years.

Accept one thing folks.  No one has no clue who I am.  NO ONE.  I can
subscribe with any name I so choose, and nothing can be done about that.
FYI, I have 9 other accounts with Gambia-L, untouched, none have my real
name.  If you want to debate or talk about issues, take it somewhere else.
This stupid forum is fool of empty idiots with a bag fool of garbage to
talk about.  Why don't you shove it up the anus and see if it fits?  List
managers especially!!!


Alh. Jereh J.J. Jarju/Jammeh (and who da heck is Jereh Jarju???)

Original Message
From: "Kebba Jobe"<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Jobe, Jarju, Gomez
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 15:45:02 -0000

>Mr. Barrow, you should differentiate my role as a senior civil servant and
>my expectations as a Gambian and a voter. To ammend the constitution, to
>reflect the wishes of our people, is the duty of the National Assembly
>members. My role and that of any enlightened Gambian voter is to ensure
>our political parties nominate people of calibre for election to this
>body. This should be everyone's responsibility regardless of party
>affiliation. Why not enlighten me on what you are doing towards that end?
>Bye 4Now, KB Jobe.
>>----Original Message Follows----
>>From: Lameen Sisawo Barrow <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>> ><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: Jobe, Jarju, Gomez
>>Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 10:06:26 -0500
>>Mr  Small
>>I  think  you  are  asking  for  too  much  from  the  likes  of  Mr
>>Jobe.  It  takes  a  true  patriot  to  be  that  honest,  a  quality  >am
>>afraid  Mr  jobe  and  his  types  lack.
>>To  Kebba  Jobe:  If  you  agree  that  there  should  be  a  limit  to
>>the  presidency  terms,  and  you  know  this  is  not  case  with  >your
>>Party,  the  APRC,  what  are  you  doing  as  a  senior  civil  >servant
>>to  alleviate  or  correct  this  situation?  Have  you  ever  taken
>>position  with  your  boss  YAYA?
>>Alagie  Lameen  Barrow
>>Nashville  TN
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