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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 17:18:52 -0800
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Michael- are you coming to camp?  If you are- you best jhope I take that week off!!!!  LMAO

On Mon, 19 March 2001, "Michael H. Collis" wrote:

> Hey Vince,  I imagine Rayna to be cute, too... I know Paige is... lol  (I know
> I'll get my ears boxed for that comment)
> M.
> Vince Montgomery wrote:
> > Hey Rayna,
> >
> > My name is Vince.  Been a semi-lurker on this list for years.  Just had to
> > respond to the paragraph below.
> >
> > >Mag, I read Zlata's Diary a couple of years ago, I thought it was very
> > >moving.  What two missing princes, whats the name of the book.  BTW
> > >don't be too impressed, I read a lot because I have NO social skills
> > >and people scare the s**t out of me.
> >
> > I hope you were joking.  Having read all your posts to this list, I can say
> > without a doubt that you could go far on your wit and charm alone (I'll get
> > to good looks later..).  Most people aren't born with such talent, you must
> > have learned somewhere.  I wish people I know had half the people skills you
> > do.  I'll bet, that you are cute too!  I told you I'd get to the good looks
> > part..  ;-)
> >
> > As for people people scaring the crap out of you, I understand.  There are
> > all manner of human, some are frightning for sure.  If we, as disabled
> > people, choose to hide from such people, rather then live life in spite of
> > them, then we become another kind of person.  The tragic kind of person. I
> > can't see anyone on this list choosing to live like that.  If they did, why
> > are they on the best list on the web, this one.
> >
> > I'm finished ranting now.
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Vince
> >
> > ------------------------
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