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Thu, 22 Mar 2001 14:29:40 -0500
Kay Huddleston <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am a 6month diagnosed celiac and Dermatitis Herpetiformis.  I was very
much better when I initially went gluten free.  It was wonderful to feel
good and feel like I was improving everyday.  No more diarhea, fatigue or
uncertainty about whether I could cope with my schedule each day.  I still
have days (Usually 3 or 4)  when some of the symptoms return and I can find
no hidden gluten  and my diet is essentially the same.  The diarhea is much
less severe and I feel I should be encouraged but those days are so hard
emotionally.  I feel unable to cope with yet another deprivation.  I never
cheat and I don't want to, but I want to feel normal and not have all these
symptoms when I think I have been so gluten free.  Is this something that
other people have experienced?  Does it get easier to maintain your health
when you have more time gluten free?  One thing that may contribute is my
doctor took me off all hormones because estrogen , even the synthetic, is
based on soy which is a big problem for me.   I think that makes it harder
for me to get my emotions stable.  The lack of hormones is a challenge on
its own and it influences my moods.  I exercise regularly and this does
help. I haven't found any vitamins that agree with me yet, but I think that
would help too.  Any other suggestions would be so welcome.

Thanks to everyone
