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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Joann Tetlow <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 17 Mar 2002 11:38:16 -0500
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Joann Tetlow <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The following is the second installment summarizing the many responese to
Celiac Disease and dizziness sent out 3/11.  Thanks for all the suggestions.

> I became dizzy for three months.
>It seemed to get worse when I ate rice products (rice cereals with rice
>milk), and fruit juices.  The docs called it benign positional vertigo, and
>gave me a bunch of exercises to do.  Didn't really help.  Prior to this by a
>year I had had a fully room-spinning vertigo, and had to go to the emergency
>>I would wake up OK, and then as the day marched on, I would get dizzy, until
>about dinnertime, and then it would ease off a bit.  This lasted for three
>months, and then subsided after I stopped relying on all the sweet rice
>products.  For breakfast I try to have protein of some kind, some fresh
>fruit, and some fat.
>I've been very dizzy
>tonight.When you mentioned rice it rung a bell.
>>I'm hypoglycemic,new to the celiac diet.I ate potatoes and rice today,both
>of which are very high on the glycemic index.


>I have had all your symptoms of dizziness and that weird rocking feeling
when I was in bed, and that even got so bad it happened when I just was
sitting. I can only tell you it may be many things, but that mine was due
to food allergies and exhaustion.
>ANyway, I think the dizziness is from the food allergies (I only get the
dizziness from eating nuts.

>My dizzy spells often came exactly at 11:00, and often with heart
>palpitations, and usually after I ate Meusli for breakfast. Since then I
>have found out that there is a condition (genetic) that causes your body to
>pull potassium from your blood after a high-carb meal, esp. if that meal is
>breakfast. My potassium count was normal most of the time (according to the
>Dr.) : but I'm guessing it was not normal at 11:00!
>I started taking potassium ("lite salt"), and I always have a high protein
>breakfast now.

>I had an attack of dizziness and lightheadedness and I was checked for a
heart attack!  That was not the case, fortunately, and I was re-hydrated.
Anemia was diagnosed (from the CD).

>This may sound weird, but try it.  I had the same sensation as you do,
>though not as bad.  A friend of mine who has many food allergies and a
>very savvy physician told me to try Alka Seltzer Gold for this problem.
>It really works.  He told me to try two and if you feel a little better,
>but not great, take two more.  He told me that when you feel this way
>due to food intolerances, "your salts are out of whack".

>Another thing that I ran across was candida (yeast) overgrowth.  Celiac
>people often are prey to this--and the thing about it is that the candida
>(and other pathogens, such as bad bacteria) can produce by-products
>(aldehydes, which are similar to alcohols) which cause symptoms.  Dizziness
>is among those symptoms.
>>Children with candida are often accused of being slow or learning impaired,
>because they have these byproducts in their blood, which affects their
>nervous systems.
>>It's something to consider--some docs believe in candida, some don't, but I
>have had good luck with a candida preventing diet
> which contains a lot of meat and proteins, and only fresh, organic
>fruits and vegetables, with limited starches--starch is what the yeast feed
>on, that and sugar.  Sugar is number one.  If you try to get sugars out of
>your diet, you might see some improvement.

>Mike, if you can, get an organic acids test to see if you have yeast
>overgrowth. Read www.greatplainslaboratory.com

>Dear Mike, I was having visions problems adjusting from darkness to
>lightness when still on gluten.
> I started getting vertigo which my GI doctor thought was interesting
>and different.  Then, after my third gluten challenge, got severe joint
>weakness, fatigue, stomach spasms, and heart irregularity which was
>subsequently diagnosed as "mitral valve regurgitation".  The heart
>irregularity would often exacerbate with my stomach spasms from the 3rd
>gluten challenge and now I still can feel the regurgitation which feels like
>an irregular heart beat, especially if I'm tired or malabsorbing my food
>(clues come from my stool appearances).
>heart.  With the vision problems, I realized I must be malabsorbing vitamin
>A, fat soluble vitamin.  I was diagnosed with borderline fat malabsorption
>  The doctor has diagnosed me with "slow stomach emptying" called
>Gastroparesis which is worsened with fat intake.  I eat carrots and papaya
>every day which have vitamin A and have eliminated the vision problems with
>light adjustment.

>Not being wise; but I'm glad someone else feels like this.  I have had
>dizziness for years and diagnosed CD three years ago.  The dizziness (and
>numbness in hands and feet) did not go away on diet.  I have yet to really
>find out the reasoning for this.  I have too been to a neurologist and given
>normal workup.  Good luck in finding something!
>>Here is a great site: www.paleodiet.com
>You probably have more allergies. I eat only meat, fish, vegetables and
>fruit. Nothing refined. My dizziness is gone.

>I was finally diagnosed with addison's after almost 2 years of being
tested every 6 months. i was having  pretty much the same symptoms - they
say the way to tell the difference between inner ear and addison's is when
you turn your head and get dizzy it's inner ear- if you sit up in bed or
stand up its your blood pressure, and your adrenal glands are what controls
your blood pressure. Keep asking your doctor to test you if you feel this
might be it! a short list of symptoms, loss of  appetite, dizziness, short
of breath, craving salt, sick and/or fatigue after you get upset or
stressed, depression.Con'td
> the problem with addison's is that it starts to attack your adrenal
>glands and as I understand it there are 3 levels mine was only at the first
>stage were it was attacking the outside layer of my adrenal glands which is
>called alderstone, I believe that's how it's spelled, this is what controls
>your blood pressure and the sodium in your body.

.I have spent the last 5 and a half years trying
>to find out the reason for my dizziness, near fainting spells, and what I
>will call "a silent buzzing" in my head.  Like you, I have problems with
>certain head and eye movements...especially looking down.
>Hope some of this will help you.
>Seems the extreme dizziness was caused by an inner ear problem...I can't
>remember the name of the test they did, but it is the one where they put
>water into your ears and test your reaction...they are guessing that I
have a
>tiny particle of something , possibly calcium deposit, that has broken loose
>and is floating around in one ear...the treatment is something called the
>Epley Maneuver..
This greatly improved the severe dizziness I was having at the
>time...but not all symptoms were alleviated by this.
>... it seems that I
>don't have enough blood getting to the brain...there is partial blockage of
>some of the blood vessels, most probably  more calcium deposits.  I am
>increasing my aspirin from 81 mg to a full aspirin/day, but if that doesn't
>help I will have to go on a blood-thinning med.
>I do believe that my cd was triggered by surgery...and, ironically, the
>surgery I had was for removal of a benign tumor from the parotid gland,
>they said was more than likely a CALCIUM deposit!

>Your story sounds strangely similar to mine.  I, too, went through the same
>round of tests.  Although I did have a severe B-12 deficiency from the
>celiac disease, which ultimately caused dizzyness, loss of equilibrium,
>neurological symptoms, etc. etc.  I was taking 4 mg. of valium per day (2 in
>AM and 2 in PM).  My family practitioner has been working with me to find
>the cause of this constant dizzyness, even tho my B-12 levels are back up to
>speed.  He put me on an antidepressant called Sinequan.  We started in small
>doses and worked our way up and it did the trick.  My equilibrium problem
>was being caused by a chemical imbalance caused by the damage to my nerve
>cells.  I read that you have tried several antidepressants.

>I too have severe dizziness, vertigo, anxiety. ENT said I was fine, sent
me to Ear/Cranial specialist. MRI showing spots on frontal temporal lobe.
Now will be sent to nuerologist. Had MRI in '99 one year prior to CD
diagnosis and the same spots were there of unknown origin (this makes me a
little calmer). My CD systems were also atypical.
>>I was to the point that I could not function. Doctors really do not
understand. I saw a chiropractor recently who adjusted my neck and back,
but also gave me Aricular Therapy (like an electronic acupucture). I felt a
great difference with the anxiety at first visit, which improved even more
after the second visit. But after the third visit I told him about my ears,
dizziness, balance, etc. Immediately after this Aricular Therapy I felt so
much better. Sinuses, dizziness, vision, hearing, anxiety and even the
tinnitis that I have been suffering from for almost a year was barely
noticeable! after one week I am noticing the tinnitis a bit more. So I will
have him try again next week.
>> I honestly believe that nutrition or lack of is to blame for so many
things with us, or other food allergies.

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