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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 9 Sep 2001 20:07:25 -0500
Susan Singley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you so much to all who responded, Many people were very curious
about this subject because they had experienced extreme morning sickness
while eating a normal diet while pregnant many years before being
diagnosed as Celiac.

  "My most encouraging letter was this one:

Please make sure you keep your sister on the same diet as you -it won't
hurt her. I have had 1 pregnacy with not diet and way before diagnosis -
and I didn't feel up to par the entire pregnacy. My second pregnancy was
a half effort diet and I did ok. But, my last 2 pregnancys were on a
wheat free/gluten free diet and I did great."

One person said they had one pregnancy while on a normal diet and had
morning sickness.  The next pregnancy was gluten free and the nausea only
came in the evening.  So, it improved but didn't entirely go away.
Another person had a child after eating gluten free and was not nauseated.
She was with previous pregnancies.

One person said she was pregnant with her first and is gluten free and not

One lady who had not been diagnosed until after child bearing age said when
she was pregnant she was so nauseated she could only hold down ice cream and
tacos.  (I wonder why?) :)

One woman had no morning sickness with either pregnancy and had silent
Celiac disease meaning she had no symptoms of Celiac disease either when

One woman had no morning sickness but had spiked blood pressure episodes
before being diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  She had bad swelling in
extremities as well.  But with Gluten Free diet on next pregnancy the Blood
pressure was fine and no swelling.  She was hoping someone else on the list
might let us hear if they suffered similar symptoms.

One woman was nauseated for 7 years even when she wasn't pregnant and worse
while pregnant.  Then, went gluten free and was not even nauseated in

Everyone encouraged me to keep trying with the Gluten Free diet as it can't
possibly hurt to try.

So, after a few weeks, I will post again to let you know how my experiment
worked.  Right now, she is doing better than her previous pregnancies.  She
is feeling as well now as she was at 10 weeks and she is only 6 weeks along.
  We are making progress.  The lucky thing is that all her pregnancies have
been identical.  She is doing better on this one.  She's still spitting but
she's not as nauseated.  I'm not discouraged as we have only had her gluten
free for one week.  I will re-post.

Here are some of the remedies some of the list members suggested:

ginger capsules before eating, Ginger Tea, Ipecac and Nux Vomica, Ener-G
Pretzels, Benadryl, Canadian motion sickness pill called Gravol, B-Vitamins,
warm water with 2 TBSP. apple cider vinegar and 2 TBSP Honey.