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Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:58:16 -0500
Wendy Turner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Can anyone help me?  For the last six months, I have had gas, bloating,
cramping, muscle spasms, and leg cramping (have had the spasms and leg
cramping for longer than that. I have had asthma for about two years. I have
been to several general practitioners and a dietitian, and have tried
several diets, none of which worked.  Finally, in desperation, I came across
celiac information on the internet, and I was suspicious that maybe this was
what was wrong.  I have been on a gf diet for three weeks now, and I am very
markedly improved.  However, I am still very, very sensitive to fruit,
anything even remotely spicy, anything with a lot of fiber, milk, ice cream,
cheese, green and red peppers, maybe yogurt, and maybe tomatoes.  I have
been very careful to check absolutely everything I am eating for gluten. My
problem is that I am vegetarian, and I am running out of things I can eat
without causing a reaction.  I am worried that I am not getting a balanced
diet if I take all of these things out.

Here is my main problem.  I have been waiting a month to see a specialist,
and when I went today, it turned out she was an allergist, not a
gastroentrologist, and she couldn't help me at all.  I have to wait another
five weeks to go to a gastroenterologist and get any testing done.  If I
stay on a gf diet, that will have been 8 weeks.  Will that invalidate the
tests?  I really do feel a lot better without the wheat, but should I put it
back in my diet so that I can get an accurate test?

Also, is anyone else on such a restricted diet?  Do you have any suggestions
for *vegetarian* things I can eat, especially snacks and desserts? Most
things I used to snack on, I can't tolerate anymore.  I am especially
craving sweet things.  I have a bread maker and have semi-successfully been
making gf breads.  Thanks so much for any help.

Wendy Turner