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P & L Ventura <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:32:48 -0800
text/plain (67 lines)
> Lois,  some of the moms on the autism list have said that chronic yeast is
> caused in part by low thyroid (from the mercury in the vaccines disabling
> the thyroid) and say that you should not "attack" the yeast, only strengthen
> the body to allow it to fight the yeast. My friend who is into homeopathy
> views even garlic as an "antibiotic" and says we should not use it, instead
> let the body fight off yeast itself. Wouldn't it be the paleo view not to
> "fight" it? Altho I will admit to you, I do give Larry garlic!!
> Mary

How is the body going to fight off the yeast if thyroid function is
low?  There is no evidence to prove that a paleo diet will right
depressed thyroid function.  If there was, both Jean-Claude and myself
are already two cases I know of on this list contrary to that evidence.

Yeast is already given the strong advantage of "unnatural causes".  With
an established fungal colony (no longer mere yeast) further damamging an
already damaged immune system, the body is going to have to put up a
valiant and tiring struggle with only a sharpened stick to use against
biological warfare.  (Give a wounded cave person a stick [paleo diet]
and let's see how they fare when missiles are launched directly at them
from a stealth bomber [mercury/toxins, antibiotics, steriods]).

Attacking yeast IS a way of strengthening the body.  Without attacking
yeast, how do you stop the downward spiral on the immune system,
endocrine system-- 'round and 'round to the immune system, back to the
endocrine system, etc.--that fungal colonies perpetuate?

I agree with your homeopathic friend only about the garlic, but that's a
personal opinion.  The evidence is controversial at best.  I used garlic
for a long time.  I developed an allergy to it  (IgG antibodies,
restricted bronchials immediately after ingesting), and  I still had 3+
(high) candida proliferation and severe dysbiosis.  It is reported to
have strong antibiotic effects, killing of beneficial bacteria that
support the immune function that's supposed to be fighting off the
candida.  Yet garlic is digested in the upper portions of the GI tract.
What good is it when most of the yeast is further down?

> Wouldn't it be the paleo view not to
>   "fight" it?
I love this statement!  The "the paleo view" makes it sound like a
religion.  I made that mistake with the most holy veganism.  I will not
make that mistake again.  I gave my religiously strict "paleo view" a
limited two years to right my immune and endocrine problems.  I even
attacked the yeast, but with paleo allies (natural anti-fungals) that
couldn't match the cruise missile damage of antibiotics, mercury, etc.
Neither my immune cell count numbers nor my thyroid/adrenal function
improved.  Nor did the yeast proliferation numbers come down.  Adrenal
exhaustion is the result of my belief in "the body's incredible ability
to heal itself" doctrine.

Sorry to be so sarcastic, Mary, as I know where you're coming from.  I
was there a long, long time.  I know these descisions are a struggle,
and you do the best you can.

Something positve.  With some serious adrenal assistance, my thyroid
function has improved.  Then, with some hard-core anti-fungals, my white
cell counts are returning to normal.  Up until this year, I had refused
to take a prescription medication in some 15 years.  It's amazing what
your survival instinct will do for you when it's forced to kick in!

Best wishes,