Kathryn wrote: > > Hi, Esben. I thought we were not supposed to eat raw spinach or rhubarb due > to the oxalic (sp?) acid they contain. Doesn't it leach calcium out of our > bones or something? Hi Kathryn Some German "eco-fundamentalists" only want to wear uncoulered clothes - because they think that the coulouring processes pollute the environment. Imagine a clothes shop without coulours ! Raw rhubarbs might be not-so-healthy, but I wont give them up. Anyway I only eat a little - mostly for sensation of the SOUR taste. BTW the teeth feels funny afterwards - rough, eched by the acid? When walking in the forest I also like to eat, ("wood sorrel" = Oxalis acetocella. It is also loaded with oxalic acid) http://www.naturplan.dk/Fotos/planter/pages/skovsyre.htm http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=www.danheller.com/images/California/Redwoods/scan-15-big.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.danheller.com/images/California/Redwoods/Slideshow/img15.html&h=336&w=500&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwood%2Bsorrel%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Dda%26sa%3DG Esben