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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Judy Genova <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:16:25 EDT
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Yes, I have heard of this man, and read his book "We Want to Live".  I also
noticed that one section of his book was an outright plagerism (word for
word, in fact!!!) from Ron Schmid's book "Native Nutrition."  It is my
understanding that Dr. Schmid is pressing charges against him.

 Aajounous eats tons of raw fat in the form of butter mixed with honey, plus
pounds of raw honey added to everything  in addition to raw meat and kefir,
fruits, juice smoothies and veggies.  He advises newbies to eat white pasta,
white potatoes and white sourdough bread without salt  in order to gradually
make the transition to an all raw diet.  He believes colors of foods are
problematic for certain people - some medical conditons need to avoid green
cooked foods, for example.....some people can't digest, in his opinion,
cooked orange foods...

He also claims that a Native American came to him during a vision quest and
told him the secret to curing himself was to eat raw meat and fat - nothing
cooked according to ancestral wisdom.  However,  all research I have done
indicates that much of  Native American  meat cuisine is cooked, and , with
the exception of Inuit, has always been preferred cooked.

I tried his diet for 3 months, and woke up one morning with my neck swollen
and a tumor the size of a grapefruit in my chest.  I believe that whatever
might have been brewing in me up until then, in the form of lymphoma, went
haywire on a diet so high in sugars (honey) and fat (raw kefir,  raw coconut
milk).  I gained 15 pounds, had no energy , and when I had a live blood
terrain assesment done, where I could see my actual "living blood" on a
screen, all my blood corpsucles were clumped together in a sticky mass -
again indicating a diet too high in saturated fat and sugars.

I also heard through the grapevine, that Mr. Vonderplanitz had to go
"underground" because he was practicing medicine without a license.

At the time I read his book, I was looking for something really different,
and boy did I get it.  Unfortunately, I wish I had better judgment.


Judy Genova]