Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 20:09:55 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
>>>>>>>>Todd Moody wrote: "I certainly believe that paleo
diet ought to help the
body to heal from many injuries and insults, but there is
simply no evidence
that it can reverse all health problems."

First my apolgies to Todd; and thank to him for his post.

Second it is difficult to use the word "All".   As  some one
case will adversely affect it.

Please forgive the following as I have been reading thais
list for less than TWO  months.

Dr.  Linus Pauling  and others have specualted that WE  long
ago lost the ability to produce sufficient Ascorbic Acid (C)
(Vitamin C),  and WE  must have lived for a  time where WE
ate a  lot of food rich in C.  This  claim seems to be quite

AND  most important almost all other creatures still  around
today -Simply make C in their own body!   As  Needed!

Then he calculated that we need a large amount of C,  more
than can be obtained from the present Standard American

Sugar; a simple Carbohydrate has a formula if correct here;
is C12 H22 O11  and other carbs including Vitamin C,  Starch
and Alcohol  are obtained by simply changing one or two of
those little numbers at the bottom of the molecular
definition very slightly!  We are told that the ear of Corn
loses its Sweet taste rapidly between stalk and stove.  (Get
the water up to a boil before you pick the Corn)  and that
what is happening is the change from  sugars to starches.
(  Sorry I do not know if these are simple or complex sugars
and starches.)

I belive that complex Carbs have a far more complex

Then I submit that our Digestive system most probably seeks
out and strips off the items it needs,  leaving the other
for elimination.

AND  that a person eating mostly modern altered foods that
retain largely simple Carbs,  DOES NOT  obtian  critical
nutrients;  subsequently  this person is subject to all of
the malnutrition diseases.

The rest of us who seek out ideas like Paleo Diets are hard
put to accomplish a pure Paleo Diet--  So we need and will
seek an intelligent accomodation!

It is not possible  in the real world;  all or nothing!  No
Person can emulate a pure Paleo diet in America where most
of us live.

So  where is there list that discusses the alternatives with
accomodation for what is available in the markets in big
Cities and tiny Towns?  Is it this one?

Inviting critical comment and hopefully some light,    Best
Regards,  Lorenzo