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Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:35:43 -0800
Nancy Scherbert <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Thank you all very much for your responces to my post.

Many posts advised that we find an Asian food store/market.  That should be
easy as we have a very large Kmong community here in Oroville.

Arrowhead Mills White Rice Flour can be found in your local health  was
suggest.  As was Bosch.

Some one did ask about growers milling their own rice flour.  Yes Lundberg
grinds own brown rice flour.  When I inquired about a seller of white rice
flour they didn't have a clue.  They do not do white rice flour because it
clogs the grinder, having to stop, clean machinery and start again.

Several people commended us on our family.  Thank you!  The children are not
related by birth, only by adoption.  JJ was dix'd in May 2000 after 5 years
of trying to get some one to listen to me.  After JJ's dx'd we tested Sam,
Peter, and Essie.  Tim will get tested next.  Peter was the only one who
came up positive.

 As many of you know there is an increased incidence of CD in Down Syndrome
persons.  CD blood work is now in the Down Syndrome Health Care Schedule at
2 years.

And DS is the abbreviation for Down Syndrome.  It took me a while to figure
that CD was Celiac Disease.

Nancy, thanking again

Nancy & Garry, parents of Samuel(10 ds), Timothy (9  ds/g-tube), JJ (7
ds/autism/celiac), Peter (6 ds/ADHD/Celiac), and Esther (3 ds). All adopted.