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Print Reply
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 22:52:06 -0700
Patrick Koenig <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone:

Thank you for all your responses and testimonials for goat's milk. In
all, I received, 15 replies.

8 people told me either they or their child or children were but on
goat's milk as an infant or child due to problems with milk. Several
people said that problems such as excema and asthma and allergies
improved or went away on goat's milk. Another woman said that as an
infant they couldn't find a formula that she could tolerate and she got
sicker and sicker until her mother farmed her out to a nurse. Finally
they discovered goat's milk for her and it saved her life. Another
responder said that they had such a good response to goat's milk that
they bought a goat. Several people said that goat's milk doesn't have
casein in it like cow's milk and also that it's easier to digest  and
closer to human milk then any other.

One person said that when switching from formula to whole milk their
child had gas and cried constantly. Then they switched her to 2% milk
and she tolerated that fine.

Several people suggested soy milks such as:
        Silk White Wave Soy Milk
        Powdered baby Soy Formula
        So Good Chocolate and Strawberry Soya Drinks
        Rice Dreams Enriched rice milk.

One person said to check the Brown rice syrup to make sure it's GF (It
is, says it on the label.)

One person said distilled water not good for drinking. We use tap water
when we mix up our son's formula.

We have had our son on his goat's milk formula for about a week. So far
he is tolerating it well. His burping isn't gone but it's much improved.
We plan to give it about another week to make sure he is tolerating it
well and then I plan to talk with the  pediatrician about what form to
give it to him, continue with the formula or switch to straight goat's

I still would welcome any input concerning alternatives to cow's milk.
Thanks to all those who took the time to respond.

Cincinnati, OH USA