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Wed, 3 Jan 2001 10:54:53 -0600
Pamela A. O'Keefe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for the 16 of you who have responded.  One person asked to be
kept posted re. this, as she has similar problems w/ recurring
bronchitis.  Another mentioned she has celiac as well as IgA deficiency.
I'd like to know more about that, as one of our children (tested via U.
of Maryland) came back w/ a 0 reading on the Iga/AGA portion.  Another
asked if my dh has DH and is taking Dapsone which would reduce immunity.
In our case, no, but might be worth looking into for others.

Over all, the consensus was that, yes, having celiac often means that
when others get a little sick, the celiac gets a lot sick.  Suggestions
were to be sure to stick closely to the diet, and do all the other things
people do to stay healthy: eat well, exercise, take your zinc and
echinacea (gf forms, of course).

Thank you, all, and I'll be sure to pass this along to my dh too, so that
he knows.

"Dileges Dominum Deum ex toto corde tuo,

  et in tota anima tua, et in tota mente tua. "