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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Jan 2001 18:50:12 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (117 lines)
Jim Snowbarger has developed the tipsheet below on how to use the Paypal
money mail service with Jaws for Windows.  On another front, here
in Chicago we are in talks with Bank One, the company behind about the accessibility of its services to the

Jim Snowbarger has his own Internet radio program.  Be sure to
check it out.



   This page contains instructions and tips for operating the PayPal
   system with Jaws. The edit and combo boxes represented on this page
   are not real. They do not operate, but are just text representing what
   jaws will speak when you encounter such items.

   The PayPal system allows you to use your credit card to pay funds to
   another member of PayPal. But, to use it, you must first become a
   member yourself. The membership is absolutely free, and will not
   obligate you in any way. Nor will your e-mail address be given to
   others, other than those to whom you pay money from your PayPal

   Because some folks have found the PayPal interface a bit confusing,
   here are some tips for operating PayPal with Jaws for windows.

   Presently, to become a membr, you must fill out a form which is
   somewhat complicated. Worst of all, at the bottom of the form, is a
   graphic that contains a security code which can not be read by a
   screen reader. To sign up for PayPal, you presently need a sighted
   person to read that security code so you can type it into an edit box
   as instructed. We are eagerly working with PayPal on this issue.

   Some edit boxes are separated from their labels. Apparently, these are
   situations where two or more edit boxes appear on the same row, with
   labels above each. When seen with the virtual cursor, you read the
   labels first, followed by the edit boxes. It is necessary to remember
   that the first edit box corresponds to the first label, the second
   edit box to the second label etc.

   for example, if you are down arrowing with the virtual cursor, and you

   First Name
   Last Name

   You must figure out that the first edit box goes with the "first Name"
   label. The second edit box would be for your last name.

   Telephone number entries in PayPal are unusual as well. A phone number
   is placed in a series of three edit boxes, the first for the area
   code, the second for the exchange, and the third for the last four

   You will see something like this:
   Work Phone Number
   Home Phone Number

   That was six edit boxes in a row. The first three correspond to the
   work phone, while the last three relate to the home phone. The
   international sign up may be slightly different, but the same
   principles apply.

   If your work number is 212-334-5678, your first three edit boxes are
   filled out as:
   edit 212
   edit 334
   edit 5678

   Likewise for the last three edit boxes for the home phone.

   The address field is typically represented as:
   City State Zip Country
   Combo box
   Combo Box

   US residence will notice that the last combo box is not present, but
   the text USA is in it's place.

   In the above example, the first edit box is for the City. The combo
   box is for choosing the state, The third item, an edit box, is for the
   zip code. The last item, combo box, if present, is for the country.

   For operating combo boxes, the following procedure works on most web
   pages including PayPal:

   1. Position the virtual cursor on the combo box.
   2. Press enter to activate forms mode.
   3. Press alt+DownArrow to open the list of options.
   4. Use up and down arrows to select the desired value. Pressing the
   first letter will often jump to an item beginning with that letter.
   5. Press enter to finalize the selection.
   6. Press the grey plus key to activate the virtual cursor and exit
   forms mode.

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