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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
"Kennedy, Bud" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 10:22:25 -0400
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"Kennedy, Bud" <[log in to unmask]>
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This is probably a stretch for this list but I thought, since it dealt with
speech recognition, I could get away with it.


          Bud Kennedy

          [log in to unmask]

          Phone: (412) 553-2849

          Cell phone: (412) 216-1476

Teaching Machines to Hear Your Prose and Your Pain

August 1, 2002

Teaching Machines to Hear Your Prose and Your Pain

SINCE Sept. 11, United States intelligence agencies have been listening
attentively for security threats. They have not been getting much help,
from their electronic stenographers: the computer programs that
automatically convert intercepted conversations and broadcasts into

That is because the speech recognition software that does the eavesdropping
is still fairly primitive. At most it can identify individual words, but not
periods, commas, sentences or paragraphs, much less when a speaker is

Give such a program a snippet of the evening news, for example, and it will
produce a raw stream of words: "an earthquake hit last night at 11 pm we
you live coverage on wall street today the market slumped."

Human beings are a lot better than machines at transcribing speech like
this. They can figure out how to punctuate the text and they can resolve
a phrase like "for sure" is a statement, a question or a jeer, guided by the
speaker's intonation.

Now researchers in the United States and abroad are working to build those
same subtle cues, known collectively as prosody, into speech recognition
The hope is to create automatic ways to detect the slight differences in
pitch, timing and amplitude that are so easy for people to interpret and so
for computers.

Such algorithms and programs might be useful not only in espionage but also
in more prosaic applications where shadings of voice come into play - for
in detecting just how irritated, or even intoxicated, people on automated
customer service lines may be.

"Human beings have an innate capacity to pick up on prosodic effects like
pitch and intonation," said Elizabeth Shriberg, a psycholinguist who leads
projects on prosody at SRI International, a private research center in Menlo
Park, Calif. "We want to build that capacity into machines, too."

But that will be a complex job, said Mari Ostendorf, a professor of
electrical engineering at the University of Washington who develops
algorithms both
for recognizing speech and for synthesizing it.

Prosody is already present in speech synthesis programs, adding a touch of
friendliness, for example, to the canned voices that give stock quotes or
listings on the telephone or the Web.

"Clearly prosody is important in speech generated by machines," Dr.
Ostendorf said. "Otherwise the voices would sound like drones."

But creating machines that recognize prosody is going to be far more
difficult, she said. "Here the program must factor in the intention of the
and that's a lot harder than just figuring out words."

Dr. Shriber leads prosody projects financed by the National Science
Foundation, the Defense Department, NASA, the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency
and other agencies. She and her colleagues analyze prosody cues like pitch,
pauses, emphasis and volume in natural rather than staged situations, for
as people talk to one another in meetings or on the telephone, or when they
try to get information from a computer at a call center.

A patent was recently granted to the Mitel Knowledge Corporation in Kanata,
Ontario, for a system that, among other things, searches for rapid speech,
or profanity as indications of frustration.

The tasks that Dr. Shriber has in mind are more ambitious. Sentence
boundaries, for example - which seem obvious on a printed page but are
harder to spot
in speech - are typically marked in writing by periods. Today's machine
transcriptions are a lot like classic run-on sentences, hundreds of words
never a full stop in sight.

Dr. Shriberg and her colleagues have mapped out some ways in which changes
in pitch can signal sentence boundaries. For example, she has devised models
of angry sentences, which tend to have a higher overall pitch and to end in
a downward pitch, as well as being slower and having a striking emphasis on
certain words.

She also works on analyzing the collective "ums," "ands" and false starts
that are frequent when people talk naturally rather than from a script. Such
called disfluencies, can cause problems in speech recognition software
unless they are detected.

For example, people may read off a number, say for parcel tracking, and then
correct themselves. "They say, `4-5-6-0-3 . . . um . . . 4-5-0-6-3,' and the
computer hears that as 10 numbers," rather than detecting the changed
emphasis and other clues, Dr. Shribergexplained. Similarly, a person talking
to an
airline call center may say, "Show me all the flights to Boston, oops, to
New York from Boston." Here the speech recognition program needs to know
New York is the destination, not Boston.

Prosody, including amplitude, rate of speech and pitch range, may help
customer service lines detect irritated callers early, said Dr. Julia
a computational linguist at
research center in Florham Park, N.J., and, beginning this fall, a professor
of computer science at Columbia University. "When we added prosodic cues in
our work, we improved the system's ability to classify when it was going
wrong and frustrating a caller," she said.

Anton Batliner, a researcher at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg in
Germany who specializes in prosody, works with German callers whose
frustration parallels
that of any American who is put on hold for 15 minutes.

"Some customer service programs may look for swear words in situations like
this," Dr. Batliner said, or for shouting or other signs of agitation like
the keys rapidly.

"But normally people don't curse or shout," he said. "Their response is more
complicated." One useful pattern for detecting call-center rage is
his research group has found. For instance, when a person calling for flight
information repeats a question several times using approximately the same
wording, something has gone wrong. "Such a person might be connected to a
human earlier," he said, before the anger sets in.

One project of Dr. Batliner's group went even farther, using prosody to
determine whether callers were inebriated. "We could detect the very sober
and the
very drunk with a high degree of accuracy," he said, although the clues were
less reliable for people in between.

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