Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:42:23 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Bill White <[log in to unmask]>, Emilie Thompson <[log in to unmask]>, Jeff 'N' Anne <[log in to unmask]>, Larry Bentley <[log in to unmask]>, Mark Alley <[log in to unmask]>, Shane Kennedy <[log in to unmask]>, Will Stevenson <[log in to unmask]>
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"Charles E. Comer" <[log in to unmask]>
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I stumbled into this weirdness by pure luck, Are people serious about attempting to eat like Neanderthalensis and/or Cro-Magnon? What about the very basic hominids like H. erectus or even earlier known specimens such as "Lucy"?

As a semi-serious junior in my 11th year of undergraduate studies.  I have to ask if you ever pondered/considered the benefits of simply eating organic foods,fruits & nuts,lots of grains, lots of vegetables and using the least saturated cooking oils possible?   Supplemented with lots of bulk fiber and a high-density protein food.   Please don't take this as a flame, and no jokes please I'm very interested in your postings.

The omega acids you constantly mention are only good for the Eskimo & Inuit fringe members of moribund "primitive cultures", who spent there entire genetic development in isolation based on a very narrow food chain of fish and whale blubber.  Certain Native American Indian populations that evolved on Maze have shown abysmal rates of Obesity & Diabetes due to the rapid loss of high-density protiens of their hunter-gather culture and the change/influx of fats in their daily diets.

Medical Research in animals (mostly mammals, and on going R&D by pet food company's, since the early 1930's) shows that a High nutrient & mineral & vitamin diet of reduced calories, can actually increase the life span of the studied subject organisms., infact some astonishing results with double blind tested lab rodents, indicate that the life spans of the well fed animals had regular life spans of approximately  18 months to 24 months. The well nourished yet "calorie restricted" animals all had extremely extended life spans. (up to about 36 months). This would roughly equal adding a third trimester to the average human life span.

Try to look up some of the research that Roy Walford M.D., did in the 1970's or pick a used copy of the 120 year diet by Walford. He lost a lifetime of credibility as a serious Scientist &Physcian because narrow minded people called him to the carpet over the Biosphere II debacle. He was the equivalent of a ships doctor, when they closed the hatch.

When I voiced similar ideas on this same topic about actual experimental modeling of this in humans, contrasted with an experiment of the same population to monitor the relative rates of tellomere degradation at the ends of individual group members chromosomes. (Currently thought to regulate the total number of divisions a cell is allowed to have before "bio-mechanicaly" timeing out. Thereby controlling our lifespan genetically) I got laughed out of the room.  I snaped like a string bean, dreams of being a scientist crushed. I gave up. Then following the advice of the late Frank Zappa: "Drop out of College, before your brain starts to Rot, Go to the library and Educate yourself. "

But considering the fact that the species of Neanderthal lived 250,000 years, your group might be on to something with the Paleo diet.  Write a book , who knows you might get rich.

Good Luck

remember this word  "franchise"