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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
David Lewandowski <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 08:12:13 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
At 01:55 PM 03/17/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>The Mojave Indians living in the Mojave Desert were over 6 foot tall, and
>they only had roots, insects and small game to live on.  The native
>Californians suffered from none of the autoimmune diseases that plague modern
>man. I repeat, none -- no heart disease, no cancers, no diabetes, no
>osteoporosis, no or little arthritis, no obesity, etc.etc. And since they
>also did not have any viral diseases, since they lived in small groups, their
>only cause of premature death was due to injury, and they were pretty good at
>dealing with that as well.

        With no medical technology.

>This is why when you read the literature describing these people, you
>constantly find references to their great age. The 89 year old man still
>hunting rabbits with a bow and arrow, for example, and people living to 100
>years was not uncommon. In fact, they did not take much notice of their
>chronological age, as they did not "age" the way we do. They essentially had
>the secret of eternal youth until they died.

        With no medical technology.

>You will constantly hear the myth being repeated that the reason we are
>suffering from all these autoimmune disease is simply because we are living
>longer. "In the old days, they all died at 40, so they died before they got
>these diseases." This is complete nonsense.
>The only reason we live as long as we do, on average, is because of medical
>technology. Take that away, and our average life expectancy would be less
>than native peoples. Look at the obituaries in your local newspaper -- at
>least 20% of people are dying prematurely of these autoimmune diseases, and
>how many of the others that live a complete lifespan are not on some kind of

        How can you say that the reason we live so long is due to medical
technology if the rest of what you posted is true? Maybe I misunderstood?
        It appears that diet and avoiding injury are the important factors in a
human's health and not what drug or surgery(medical technology) they are or
have used.
        I could see medical technology lengthening ones life if used for critical
care to the severely injured but in no way, shape, or form can the use of
drugs or surgery improve the health of those with chronic conditions.
