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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:14:17 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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-----Original Message-----
>From:           smudger <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:        new research on very mad cows disease
>Date sent:      Mon, 05 Feb 2001 10:56:43 -0800
>Send reply to:  [log in to unmask]

>for your little girl  and her lice......
>Insecticides Cause Mad Cow Disease     Pharmaceutical interests in the
>UK are ignoring new scientific  research that  shows the insecticide
>used in the UK government's own warble-fly  campaigns  triggered the UK
>surge of 'Mad Cow' disease.   Latest experiments by Cambridge University
>prion specialist, David  R. Brown,  have shown that manganese bonds with
>prions. Other researchers  work shows that  prions in the bovine spine
>--along which insecticides are applied--  can be  damaged by ICI's
>Phosmet organophosphate(OP) insecticide - causing the disease.   British
>scientists have led the current theory that an infectious  prion in
>bonemeal fed to cattle causes bovine spongiform disease (BSE).
>Infectious  prions  are also claimed to cause new variant
>Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease  (CJD) in humans  -from ingesting beef. But the
>infectious prion theory serves to  obscure a  tragic chemical poisoning
>scandal behind the majority of BSE  cases.  The new work proves that the
>prions can bond with manganese in  animal feeds or  mineral licks. These
>manganese prions cause the neurological  degeneration seen  in BSE. By a
>similar process, prions in human brains are damaged  by lice  lotions
>containing organophosphate. This can result in neurological  diseases
>like CJD and Alzheimer's -later in life.  Many might be surprised to
>hear that organophosphates were  developed by Nazi  chemists during the
>course World War Two, as a chemical weapon  nerve agent.   The
>marginalized research has devastating financial implications for  ICI.
>It  would provide a firm basis for litigants -who could include CJD
>sufferers,  farmers across the world and families of the many British
>farmers  who committed  suicide during this BSE debacle.     Scientist
>and organic farmer, Mark Purdey gave evidence to the UK  BSE inquiry,
>that warble fly insecticide was the cause of the disease. The  scientist
>wheeled  out to rubbish Purdy's evidence -Dr. David Ray, later turned
>out to  have been  receiving funding from the insecticide manufacturer
>ICI.  Purdey has been consistently denied even exploratory funding to
>extend his  privately supported research. Yet the Purdey/Brown chemical
>poisoning model  matches with the epidemiological spread of CJD clusters
>in  humans. It also  predicts the incidence of BSE-type diseases in
>animals. The  accepted infectious  model fits neither.  The
>pharmaceutical industry is all the more determined to hide the
>chemical  source of BSE and CJD, because a spotlight on chemicals would
>expose the role  the insecticides in Alzheimer's --another
>neurodegenerative disease- -that might  lead to claims which would dwarf
>those from BSE and CJD  litigants. In fact, two  leading brain
>researchers into CJD and Alzheimer's have died in  suspicious
>circumstances in recent years.   In the United States, the Environmental
>Protection Agency is  already reviewing  Phosmet's safety. The Centers
>for Disease Control in the US has  recently  conducted experiments on
>mice that confirm the organophosphate  risk.  Not only is the EC beef
>slaughter campaign futile -because BSE  disease is  mostly
>noninfectious, but unless the underlying chemical cause is  addressed,
>BSE  will simply reappear from chemical causes. A new warble fly
>campaign is already  underway in France using the organophosphate
>insecticide.  Of greater concern is that some lotions for scabies and
>head lice  are now  priming children and adults, for CJD and Alzheimer's
>in later life.  Bonding the Prion  Cambridge University prion
>biochemist, David R. Brown is  dismissive of the  science behind the
>infectious model of BSE. He terms it "a very  limited amount  of science
>by a few assumed- reputable scientists." He insists  there is "no
>evidence an infectious agent is present in either meat or milk."
>"Simple tests on udder walls of cows --which could easily detect  an
>infectious  prion-- have not been done, why I don't understand."   A
>number of researchers have found that organophosphate(OP) in  systemic
>warble  fly insecticide can deform the prion molecule, rendering it
>ineffective at  buffering free radical effects in the body. Worse still,
>the prion is  then  partial to bond with manganese and become a 'rogue'
>prion. A  chain reaction  whereby rogue prions turn others to rogues
>also, can explain the  bovine  spongiform disease mechanism.   Brown
>showed how prion protein bonds benignly with copper, but  lethally with
>manganese. Even natural variations in relative environmental
>availability of  manganese versus copper can trigger prion degradation.
>  The CJD and BSE symptoms mirror 'manganese madness', an  irreversible
>fatal  neuro-psychiatric degenerative syndrome that plagued manganese
>miners in the  first half of the last century  Shining A Light On
>Spongiform  Organic dairy farmer and peer-review-published independent
>scientist, Mark  Purdey, says the accepted theory of transmission from
>BSE- infected cattle to  human CJD -by bonemeal or meat, is dependent on
>a mutant prion  that has never  been isolated under the scientific
>protocol called Koch's  postulates.   Purdey's insistence on sticking to
>the letter of this scientific law  earned him  the condemnation of UK
>officialdom when he first mooted his  theory. But Purdey  pointed to CJD
>clusters downwind of a British Phosmet production  plant to back  his
>case.  He gave evidence to the UK Government BSE inquiry and was
>supported by  Conservative MP, Thessa Gorman. His views were discounted,
>but  his subsequent  research and the new Cambridge prion work have
>confirmed the  alternative  theory.  Despite this, and the backing of a
>British peer, he is denied even  exploratory  funding.   Why does CJD
>degeneration in humans begin in the retina, and  why are CJD  disease
>clusters found in high altitude locations?   The prion molecule has a
>known natural role as a shock absorber  of damaging  energy from
>ultraviolet rays and other oxidizing agents.  Once this prion defense
>system is rendered ineffective by  organophosphates -  for example in
>human head lice lotions, these oxidizing effects  have an  unmediated
>impact on tissues. Eventually, UV radiation damages  the retina and
>oxidative stress destroys the brain tissues of CJD patients. This
>theory would  expect to find higher CJD incidence in mountain regions
>-where UV  radiation  levels are elevated. That prediction holds true.
>A similar but accelerated mechanism could be driving BSE. ICI's
>Phosmet  organophosphate warble fly insecticide -applied on the backs of
>animals along  the spinal column, similarly degrades prions. "Systemic
>versions of  the  insecticide are designed to make the entire cow
>carcass toxic to  warble fly,"  explains Purdey. "Unfortunately it's
>toxic to prions too -especially  those  prions located just millimeters
>from the point of application."   The damaged prions are then ready to
>react with manganese in  animal feed, or  manganese sprayed on land or
>in mineral licks -to become the  driving force of  BSE
>neurodegeneration. Purdey says manganese-tipped prions  set off lethal
>chain  reactions that neurologically burn through the animal.   Chickens
>notoriously excrete most of the supplements fed to them - including
>manganese. And their manganese-rich excreta have been blended  into
>cattle feed  in the UK. Natural variations in the relative environmental
>availability  of  copper and manganese can also spur prion degeneration
>says  Purdey.   From this research, any prudent person would conclude
>there is a  significant  risk attaching to the use of organophosphate in
>humans.  Preparations for head  lice and scabies are known to be
>overused in practice and might be  priming  users for CJ disease.   The
>Money Trail  Critical scientists like Purdey are unlikely to prevail.
>The pharma  industry  holds most research purse strings, and would
>hardly energetically  explore an  avenue of research that could expose
>them to litigation for causing  BSE. The  official theory is lavishly
>funded, alternative theories rarely, if at all.   There are more
>explosive implications to his -and other's latest  research.  Purdey
>says similar organophosphate-induced protein deformation  could also
>underlie Alzheimer's disease. If that were true, the litigation fallout
>would  destroy some pharmaceutical giants, and a lot of very influential
>noses  would be  out of joint.  Disturbingly, Purdey and other brain
>researchers seem to have had  an undue  share  of unfortunate accidents.
>Purdey's house was burned down and his  lawyer who was  working with him
>on Mad Cow Disease was driven off the road by  another vehicle  and
>subsequently died. The veterinarian on the case also died in a  car
>crash  -locally reported as: 'Mystery Vet Death Riddle.'   Dr. C.
>Bruton, a CJD specialist --who had just produced a paper on  a new
>strain  of CJD-- was killed in a car crash before his work was announced
>to the public.  Purdey speculates that Bruton might have known more than
>what  was revealed in  his last scientific paper.   In 1996, leading
>Alzheimer's researcher Tsunao Saitoh, 46 and his  13 -year-old  daughter
>were killed in La Jolla, California, in what a Reuters report  described
>as a "very professionally done" shooting. December, 13
>2000    DR. MERCOLA'S COMMENT:   You will be hearing more and more of
>Mad Cow Disease and it  gradually shifts  its way to the US. Most of
>what you read about it ignore the truth of  the  connection of
>organophosphate pesticides.  Mad Cow disease is not common in the US but
>Alzheimer's is and  this is a good  reason to avoid pesticides.  Related
>Articles:  Alternatives to Using Pesticides  Pesticides May Decrease
>Male Fertility  Pesticides Increase Breast Cancer Risk  Pesticides May
>Increase Parkinson's Risk      [Non-text portions of this message have
>been removed]