Wild Dog Food
My dog will eat anything I am eating; includes lettuce.
Our American coyote is closely related to domestic dogs.
Very closely.
All the books I ever read about coyotes conclude that they
will eat anything. Their staple diet is mice. But they
will eat leather shoes. And more disgusting things. Pigs
are in the same category.
About eating anything; I presume that foul smelling cheese
was invented when starving Frenchmen ate "rotten"cheese.
Same with starving Chinese eating birdsnests. This list
could be expanded to a book with a little help from you
How about the day that I learned to eat raw oysters-suffice
it to say I was really hungry-not starving just very
hungry-I discovered that a raw oyster just out of ice cold
water was very delicious. Not so the jars of oysters you
buy in the market- and now raw oysters may be contaminated
with bacteria- so I would not eat one raw today unless I
harvested it myself from clean water.
> .....So I repeat; lions AND tigers AND bears
> >>AND dogs? All of the above eat MOSTLY meat.
> >
> >So, that are 4. One of it (dog) doing well with
carbohydrate fuel (though
> >obviously a predator).
> I > This is the clue which pushed me into Paleo eating; my
dog started thriving
> on a natural - for him - diet, so I started seeking what
is most natural