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"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Verhoeven <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Oct 2001 14:30:22 +0200
<"0000amiimkkk*/PN=Peter.Papworth/OU=8211BIO/O=CINA/PRMD=GC +CIC/ADMD=GOVMT.CANADA/C=CA/"@MHS>
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (106 lines)

Version 8 of MAGic for NT/2000 is in developement and do not advice you to
run MAGic for 95/98/ME on NT/2000.
The AiSquared technical support is one of the best in the industry of
accessibility features and ZoomText Xtra 7.06 is the most stable screen
There are several reasons why screen magnifiers do not work properly in
specific applications. The basic reason is, that programmers of a lot of
applications do not use Windows standard programming. They build their own
graphical user interfaces, do not support short keys etc. Screen magnifiers
also do not track on events in Java applications at this moment, because
they do not support the Java accessibility classes.

If a screen magnifier does not work properly you must try to figure out,
why it is not working properly and on what events it does not work
properly. Does it not track on events or is pseech support the problem?
The speech support in ZoomText 7.06 is very poor at this moment. AiSquared
- makers of ZoomText - promised so called "blind speech" in the next major
release of ZoomText sceduled for the first quarter of 2002. This release
will also include access to Java.

If speech is the problem you can try other products like MAGic or Lunar /
LunarPlus / Supernova. The last product range come from Dolphin Computer
Access. They are now in the process of beta release for version 5. This
release make it possible to make specific applications more accessible. If
tracking on events is the problem I advice you to contact Dolphin Computer
Access or visit http://www.dolphinusa.com.

The performance of MAGic 8 magnification is very poor. Mouse movement is
very sluggish, but things like tracking and speech support are very good.
MAGic has no good reading features for low vision and there are a number of
known bugs, that are not be solved at this moment.

ZoomText includes a DocReader feature, that make it very easy to read
documents. Only reading web pages is difficult at this moment. Lunar /
LunarPlus / SuperNova includes good reading features and their upcomming
version 5 is realy promising.

For more information about Screen Magnifiers visit:
http://www.magnifiers.org (The Screen Magnifiers Homepage) and read the
attached magnifiers listing at:

Regards Peter Verhoeven

At 07:46 05-10-01 -0400, you wrote:
>I have two clients that were using it and both had problems with our Human
>Resources software (Peoplesoft). When I was down at the CSUN conference in
>L.A., I addressed these issues with the Zoomtext technicians while visiting
>their booth. I wasn't impressed with the support they provided so I just
>happened to visit another booth and received a demo CD of a product called
>Magic (version 8.0). When I returned to Canada, I immediately installed it on
>both of the clients' PC's and they loved it. I've now purchased the full
>version ($825.00 U.S.). One word of caution....I have it running here on
>Windows '95 PC's and it is not certified to run on Windows 2000. The folks in
>our test lab are currently trying it out with windows 2000 and I'm hoping it
>will be okay. Apparently, the previous verion (6.2) will run on 2000/ME
>Peter Papworth
>A/Manager Client Support
>Citizenship & Immigration Canada
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>---------- Original Text ----------
>From: C=ca/A=govmt.canada/P=gc+internet/DDA=RFC-822/EASI(a)MAELSTROM., on
>10/04/2001 3:56 PM:
>Original MHS ID:             ca/govmt.canada/gc+internet/<000701c14d06$123c
>                              c6c0$6f01005a@
>Original UA Identifier:      000701c14d06(36)123cc6c0(36)6f01005a(a)miusa
>Send Reply To:               C=ca/A=govmt.canada/P=gc+internet/DDA=RFC-822/
>                              clearinghouse(a)miusa.org
>Message Authorized By:       C=ca/A=govmt.canada/P=gc+internet/DDA=RFC-822/
>                              clearinghouse(a)MIUSA.ORG
>----------------------------- [X.400 Text Follows]
>Hi Folks,
>Our office is investigating purchasing ZoomText and I wanted to know what
>people's experiences with it are. Does it work well with Access and Word
>applications? Do some versions of it work better with Access and Word than
>others (it looks like there are four versions currently available)? Are
>there other programs that work better? Please let me know if you have
>recommendations along these lines.
>Tracy Scharn
>NCDE Project Assistant
>If you would like a free copy of "A World Awaits You: A Journal of Success
>in International Exchange for People with Disabilities," please send your
>mailing address to us:
>Mobility International USA
>National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange
>PO Box 10767
>Eugene, OR  97440  USA
>Tel: (541) 343-1284 (voice/TTY)
>Fax: (541) 343-6812
>E-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Web:  www.miusa.org