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Fri, 16 Mar 2001 11:21:50 EST
Lisa Wicklund <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (155 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Everyone:

Thank you for all your wonderful responses. Here they are:

I could have written that part about no sense of thirst, and hating to
drink water. In fact, it cramps my stomach. And I too watch my urine to
know when to force feed a glass of water. But I don't have the edema
problem, except just a touch in my left ankle that is 3/4 numb from
nerve damage from a ruptured disk in my  back. It's the lack of muscle
tone that causes that. I can't walk far because it hurts my  back, but
since I've started lifting weights most of edema has left. Celiacs
should exercise because it moves the seretonin from the intestines out
to the blood and the brain and helps to stop depression

Do you know that your body is thirsty before you ever know it.  They tell
you to drink before you get thirsty.  I, too, watch the color of my urine,
and then have to force myself to drink  (else I get UTI infections)

If you are eating lots of fresh uncooked fruits and vegetables you are
getting lots of fluid from them.

I don't appear to be retaining water, but I, too, detest drinking water
and nearly never am thirsty.  I do have very dry skin, and drinking the
required amount does not seem to help at all.  Occasionally gatorade
helps, but large amounts of that got too expensive.  I have spoken to
all the doctors in my medical group about this, and seen a
dermatologist, and there doesn't seem to be any answer for me.  They
discourage drinking coffee, which I have cut in half.  I need it to
prevent headaches

And the abdomen can have fluid retention(edema) when the kidneys aren't
working right

...just my thought on things I have read.

How are you feeling?  How do your CBC blood test results look?  Sounds
like you are on a great diet to me.  I personally am hooked on tonic
water -- sugar though.  I can down a liter of it in no time flat.  I'm
trying to switch to good old plain water.  A little belly bulge I
wouldn't consider a problem.  I've gained about 10 lbs. this past year
since going gluten free and I didn't need it.  That's my current state
of the body.  Doctors tell me the body takes time to adjust to the
removal of certain foods and things will level off.

The other point is that fruits and vegetables contain
water, so they account for a large percentage of your
water intake.

Personally, I think the 6-10 8oz glasses of water
recommendation per day is garbage.  You can determine
if you are taking in enough water by examining he
colour of your urine.  As long as your urine is
colourless and odourless during the day (with the
exception of the first time in the morning, when it
will be yellow), you are getting enough fluids.  Of
course, if you drink a lot of coffee, you may notice
an odour associated with that.

 maybe get a good 40 to 60 ounces of any fluid in a day and have some
problems with my blood pressure getting very low for a few hours so i
try to drink more. i just never think of it! one day it will come
easier. when i was pregnant i drank all day from a cup with a straw, i
think this is the best answer for me to remember. also, drinking thru a
straw will help you to drink more. if you like water, drink it iced. it
will actually BURN calories since your body has to warm it up first. so
if you ever need a drink that takes away calories, go for the ice water!
i personally have never liked the taste of water, but try to drink at
least 2 glasses a day.

 maybe get a good 40 to 60 ounces of any fluid in a day and have some
problems with my blood pressure getting very low for a few hours so i
try to drink more. i just never think of it! one day it will come
easier. when i was pregnant i drank all day from a cup with a straw, i
think this is the best answer for me to remember. also, drinking thru a
straw will help you to drink more. if you like water, drink it iced. it
will actually BURN calories since your body has to warm it up first. so
if you ever need a drink that takes away calories, go for the ice water!
i personally have never liked the taste of water, but try to drink at
least 2 glasses a day.

I have a overactive thyroid as well as celiac disease. I am never thirsty I
eat my whole meal and the only time I drink is when my husband indicates to
me that I have not had any thing to drink during my meal. I usually only
drink about a 8 oz cup of tea in the morning and 1 soda per day. I always to
wondered why I am never thirsty.

I am always noticing that my urine is strong but If you are not thirsty you
don't drink. I have to make an effort to make my self drink

I do have the same issue of not craving water and have to remind myself to
drink it.

The strange thing is, when I do drink it I almost need to force it down as I
am rarely thirsty or find it satisfying.

I have recently had headaches frequently and someone told me it could be
from dehydration.  Now I am trying to drink water whenever I can.  I
have noticed that the headaches have become more infrequent.

I do have the same issue of not craving water and have to remind myself to
drink it.

The strange thing is, when I do drink it I almost need to force it down as I
am rarely thirsty or find it satisfying.

I have recently had headaches frequently and someone told me it could be
from dehydration.  Now I am trying to drink water whenever I can.  I
have noticed that the headaches have become more infrequent

I think I have also had this problem.  I'm guessing that my Celiac onset
occurred after pregnancy.  Before this, I craved water constantly.  After my
son was about a year old, I began to have no desire for water AT ALL.  I was
not diagnosed at this time.  I felt horrible--my hair was dropping and I was
SOOO tired.  Since I've been diagnosed (about 3 months now), I am beginning
to crave water again, but I don't love drinking H2O like I used to.  Strange.

I think I have also had this problem.  I'm guessing that my Celiac onset
occurred after pregnancy.  Before this, I craved water constantly.  After my
son was about a year old, I began to have no desire for water AT ALL.  I was
not diagnosed at this time.  I felt horrible--my hair was dropping and I was
SOOO tired.  Since I've been diagnosed (about 3 months now), I am beginning
to crave water again, but I don't love drinking H2O like I used to.  Strange.

 think I have also had this problem.  I'm guessing that my Celiac onset
occurred after pregnancy.  Before this, I craved water constantly.  After my
son was about a year old, I began to have no desire for water AT ALL.  I was
not diagnosed at this time.  I felt horrible--my hair was dropping and I was
SOOO tired.  Since I've been diagnosed (about 3 months now), I am beginning
to crave water again, but I don't love drinking H2O like I used to.  Strange.

My recollection is that it's part of aging to lose touch with knowing when
you are thirsty. I remember reading some study when they measured water
loss in young people and older people during a long walk and discovered
that the young people had done fairly well at replacing their fluids but
the older people had not. Their conclusion was the same as yours, you
just have to keep track of it.

I once had to drink a quart of water first thing in the morning for an
ultrasound - it all came right back up.  I had to talk the nurses into 7-up
or ginger ale if they wanted to get my bladder full.

I don't like the taste of water, and I sometimes get thirsty, but not for
water!  We get water in foods and other beverages (coffee, juice, soft
drinks).  I do notice that when the weather is cold and the air is dryer my
skin gets really dry, so I try to drink more fluids - but not with caffeine -
and that seems to help

It looks like those of us who have this problem need a permanent IV hooked up
to ensure that we have adequate water intake.  Take care all.
