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Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:18:52 EST
Carol Castellano <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here are the replies I received.  I also spoke with Cynthia Kupper, Certified
Dietitian/also has Celiac Disease), Executive Director of the Gluten
Intolerance Group in Seattle (thanx again Nancy in Seattle!).  She was very
knowlegeable and helpful in interpretting the test results.

Apparently, there are several options to consider due to the variables of the
different labs that perform this kind of testing.  Re-test at the same lab to
compare results, or draw enough blood at 1 time for a "double blind study,"
and send the samples to 2 different labs, comparing those results.  Of
course, as we all know, biopsy is the gold standard, but it can also present
a negative result.  Frustrating?  You bet.


We retested my son at 6 mos and 1 yr. His gastro felt it necessary to
see how well he was doing, diet compliance, and the like.  Also one anti
body comes down more quickly than the other showing short term compliance.
The slower one shows long term compliance.  I don't remember the original
numbers but at 1 year his antibodies were zero!  We did not do the biopsy.
(My son was diagnosed at 15 months old.)

I had the blood tests again at 3 months, which still showed a little
elevation(I only had IgG elevation and it wasn't very high the first time.
My blood tests were taken originally after they found blunted villi while
looking for an ulcer).  At 6 months they were taken again and were normal.
I still have symptoms sometimes and they don't know why since the tests show
that I am gluten free now.

My 2 1/2 has celiac and I guess I do now also, but she gets retested with
new blood work every 6 months, so just got tested in Sept, it the results
were normal which meant I was doing a good enough job with keeping
everything gluten free.

My husband was re-tested 6 months after a positive diagnosis, and the new
results were Normal.

Re the re-testing.....My Gastro did a re scope on me after one year, and he
gave me the impression that that was the norm....?

I wouldn't bet on it, judging by the information I read here on the St.
John's Listserv!

It sounds more and more like there is no "Norm".

Mahopac, NY