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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 9 Jan 2001 13:56:26 -0500
Diana Sherman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I want to thank everyone who answered my post it was very informative.
There were a few people who wanted me to summarize what I found out. We are
making our house completely gluten free because we have 3 children ages 2,
6, and 9 who also have some possible symptoms of celiac. They all have
developemental delay, one has partial complex seizures, and or youngest is
getting tested tomorrow for seizures as well because of staring spells and

Here are the different names for celiac(celiac disease, celiac sprue,
gluten sensitive enterpathy, non-tropical sprue, silent celiac disease, and
refractory celiac. Silent celiac disease is when a person has no symptoms
yet still has the disease and refractory celiac is when a person no longer
responds to the diet and has to take medication to help control it. Gluten
sensitivity is when a person has an intolerance to gluten yet does not have
the damage to the intestine yet and celiac is when you have the damage and
the intoleranc. Small amounts of gluten can build up over amounts of time
and cause damage and this is why a person should not eat any amount no
matter how small because it can cause refractory celiac, lymphoma, auto-
immune diseases like MS and lupus and many others. It can also cause
cancer, and poisons the mind and causes mental illness. It is also
associated with seizure disorders, autism, and other developemental delays
and short stature in children.

One good site to find out info about celiac and for having different lab
work done is:         www.finerhealth.com and www.enterolab.com
some others are:      www.celiac.com      and http://melba.vu.edu.au/~rhh/
forbiden foods:       http://www.celiac.com/forbiden.html
celiac organizations  csacsliac.org
safe food lists       www.geocities.com

Here are some hidden glutens: barbeque sauce, white vinegan, baking powder,
spelt, hydrolyzed veg. protein, hydro. plant protein, icing sugan, malt,
malt flavoring, malt extract, malt syrup,malted milk, modified starch,
oats, oat gum. soy sace, medicine, vit., pills, flour that travels in the
air, shampoos, cosmetics, lotions.

Donna at [log in to unmask] has compiled a cookbook the proceeds will
go to celiac research. Another website is www.dreamwater.net/biz/cookceliac/
Betty Hagman is also another good cookbook and martha stewart online has a
good cookie recipie for chocolate kisses. One has to be very careful with
chocolate and candies since many places dust them with gluten substances so
they don't stick. Hershey products are GF though. Some machinery is also
contaminated and french fries and paper wrappers(gum, stamps, envelopes)
contain gluten.

Since my children are going GF we are having to sen sack lunches could
someone give me suggestions what to send (especially main dish items) also
I plan to put recipes in my next post that people have sents me if you
would like to add some of your favorite recipies I will post it with the
others. Also, any web sites with gluten free recipies or other websites I
haven't listed would be helpful and I will include these with the recipies.

Diana at [log in to unmask]