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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 14 Apr 2001 23:12:54 -0700
text/plain (23 lines)
<Does anyone else have any experience with any kind of fungus?

Ever since I moved away from an arid desert environment- I am the fungus
queen. I have it in my ears and one time it was so bad I couldn't hear- my
body has really been out of balance since I ate macrobiotic for a year and
took a ton of antibiotics for some dental work (I know, dont yell at me)- I
feel at times I have had systemic yeast.  You can get a fungus on your scalp
(dandruff), on your face (what you had), in your ears, pretty much any
where.  (this is a lovely topic)  The dermatologist called the fungus in my
ears seborrhea (sp?) and gave me an antifungal cream. (all the little
funguses have different names- candida, tinea (sp))  She said it was
hereditary and I cant do anything about but put cream on it the rest of my
life. And I'm like- right.  A fungus is passed through my genes.  I got the
"athlete's foot genome".  right.

Anyway, the "fungus" is one motivation for going paleo for us. Fungus eats
carbohydrates. My little baby was showing signs of thrush (fungus in the
mouth) and I'm like- it is a good thing we dont live in the Congo or
something- with that humidity- we would turn into a mushroom.

Glad you all are getting to know me in such a thorough way...