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EASI's Library Accessibility Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 25 Oct 2003 11:08:28 -0700
EASI's Library Accessibility Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
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EASI courses strive to take technical information and restate it for people
who are not primarily technicians.
EASI courses are month-long, interactive, instructor-led and asynchronous
(log in when and from where you please).
EASI courses can earn continuing education units on request
A package of 5 EASI courses will earn the Certificate in Accessible
Information Technology

Starting Nov. 3: Barrier-free E-learning
Lesson 1 Introduction
Part 1 Types of E-learning technologies
Part 2 Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning for students with
Part 3 Disability-related legislation and e-learning

Lesson 2 Adaptive technology interfaces
Part 1 Alternative output technologies
Part 2 Alternative input technologies
Part 3 Interfacing adaptive technology and courseware

Lesson 3 accessible web design
Part 1 Web Access Initiative guidelines
Part 2 Section 508 standards
Part 3 Good web design is half of accessible design

Lesson 4 Guest presenters share experiences and information
Part 1 Presentations from several e-learning programs
Part 2 Presentations by developers of existing e-learning guidelines
Part 3 Presentations by designers of e-learning systems

Lesson 5 Tips for faculty and content providers
Part 1 Coombs ten tips for e-learning
Part 2 Designing content to increase accessibility for all
Part 3 Good teaching and clear communication is half of accessibility

Lesson 6 accessible Internet Multimedia (audio, video, PowerPoint and more)
Part 1 Using media redundantly
Part 2 SMIL! you're on the Internet (providing captions)
Part 3 When to outsource captioning and transcribing activities

Lesson 7 Beyond the online delivery of e-learning
Part 1 Access for blind users to drawings, diagrams and charts
Part 2 Access for blind users to technical texts
Part 3 When to outsource technical text and graphic production

Lesson 8 System-wide planning and designing for access
Part 1 Campus-wide responsibility
Part 2 Writing a campus accessibility policy
Part 3 Developing a systematic funding plan
Part 4 Networking on and off campus

Starting Nov. 3: Accessible Internet Multimedia
Lesson One: Introductions and Types of Media
1. Introduction
An overview of media production and personal introductions.
2. Review of web accessibility including WAI guidelines and Section 508
3. Review of disability-related legislation with a focus on providing
accessible media
4. Streaming Media Methods
How media can be streamed over the Internet. Understanding the
ramifications of bandwidth.
5. Flash, Shockwave and other medias
A brief discussion of accessibility features and issues with these formats.
6. Media Formats
Overview of the three major media formats: RealMedia, QuickTime and
7. Assignment

Lesson Two: Software Installation and Use
1. RealMedia
Detailed discussion of the file formats used in RealMedia.
2. QuickTime
Detailed discussion of the QuickTime process.
3. MAGpie
Detailed  discussion of the MAGpie process.
4. SMIL Composer and GRINNS

Lesson Three: Making Multimedia Accessible
1. SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)
A basic overview of SMIL and how it works.
2. Transcribing and formatting for MAGpie Captionin
Getting the transcription into a format acceptable to import to MAGpie.
3. Time encoding and creating the SMIL file
4. Making it work.

Lesson Four: Putting it all together ONLINE
1. Creating an accessible multimedia PowerPoint Presentation
Camtasia Producer - produce narrated Powerpoint presentation from exported
slides to .jpg or .git format..
2. Creating an accessible slide show
Camtasia Producer - Any slides of your choice
3. Creating a computer software help tutorial
Camtasia Recorder - Create short computer tutorial with any software
computer on your computer.

** EASI has begun two exciting monthly series of hour-long live Clinics on
accessibility-related topics.  One series is free and the other is
tuition-based.  Read about the EASI Clinics:

                EASI's November, month-long online courses:
Barrier-free E-learning:
Accessible Internet Multimedia:
(a package of five courses will earn the Certificate in Accessible
Information Technology)

                                        Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
CEO EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information)
22196 Caminito Tasquillo
        Laguna Hills CA 92653
home: (949)  855-4852
        Cell: (949) 922-5992
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page
Online courses  and Clinics
Check the EASI Library Web

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