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judy genova <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Jan 2001 19:09:11 -0500
text/plain (44 lines)
Jean Claude, I am so happy that your son did not have to suffer from the
effects of toxoplasmosis.  But your story brought to mind another scenario
that I will share.

My close friend was raised by parents who were followers of the Church of
Christian Science.  That meant that she was not immunized, received no
medical attention unless provided by trained practitioners from the Church.
Prayer was used as the greatest healing force.

When she was 12, she developed osteomyelitis, which left her partially
crippled in her one leg, damaged her lower spine, and destroyed the bones in
one foot.  Her parents left her in her room for up to a year to recover, and
the only aid administered were those approved by the methods of her parents
faith. This translated to prayer sessions and no medical attention, except
for topical baths to relieve excruciating joint pain.

To this day, she suffers horrific depression and has undergone years of
counseling to forgive her parents for witholding an antibiotic that was
available at the time which would have made all her years of debilitation

I am truly glad your son "dodged a bullet".  You can say that maybe I am too
much of a "linear thinker", but did you ever ask yourself what you would
have explained to him if he did come into this world blind, or how you might
have felt if he didn't come into this world at all, when preventable steps
were available.

I know I am supposed to read your story and maybe feel affirmed of the same
"strength, faith and joy" you do, but I just feel a tremendous sense of
relief that your son is healthy despite, or in spite of  your philosophy
during  the time which you describe.

I hope nothing I have said here offends you or your wife in any way, as
99.9% of the time I find your contribution to this list invaluable, but your
story here must have hit a nerve in me.  I think it has to do with my own
self reflection of asking if my own adamant views about diet, and
conventional medicine have marred my good judgment when it comes to making
those life and death types of decisions that all parents invariably have to

Judy Genova, cavegirl
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