I've been waiting for someone to mention the way
wolves and other predators eat the stomachs of their
prey, including the contents of those stomachs.....
usually grasses or other browse.....which have been
partially digested by the prey animal. Do you suppose
our paleo ancestors did the same? And what do you
suppose became of the udders of female animals who
were nursing calves? Those milk-filled glands might
have been a real treat for our paleo ancestors. Our
ancestors who were herders probably didn't kill
nursing females; surplus male animals and barren females
would have been killed first, but I don't think I've ever
heard of anyone using udders, dry or lactating. Oh,
Lordy! I just had an awful vision of a stuffed and roasted
cow udder being served up with four 'spigots' poking
up into the air..........awful picture!
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