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Milk/Casein/Lactose-free list <[log in to unmask]>
Tammy Beck <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 22:10:54 -0400
Milk/Casein/Lactose-free list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
In a message dated 97-04-24 19:03:19 EDT, [log in to unmask] (Carmen E.
Simon) writes:

<< My son is allergic to milk/egg white protein.  He started showing a
 reaction to milk within 12 hours of birth.  He has two younger sisters,
 both were on soy formula and not exposed to milk til after 1 year of
 age.  The oldest shows no signs of food allergies.  The youngest turned
 1 on Jan 1, and we started her on whole milk.  She kept it down, but
 after two weeks she started getting dry skin/eczema on her lower legs,
 and it started working its way up her body.  We had skin tests done,
 but they showed no allergies.  We took her off the milk and after two
 weeks her skin cleared up.  The next time we tried milk, she kept it
 down but brought it back up after half an hour. With my son the reaction
 to milk is immediate, I'm not familiar with a delayed reaction. Does
 this sound like an allergy developing? Has anybody experienced this?

My 15mo daughter had Pyloric Stenosis that began (projectile vomiting caused
by an overdevelpoed muscle ring between the stomach and the colon) the day
she came home from the hospital.  She was on Nutramagin formula until she was
1 yo because she was able to absorb it faster than traditional formulas.  At
1yo, we tried milk ... and she vomited it up within about 30 minutes and was
VERY ill and develope a nasty rash within an hour.  So we put her on VITASOY
.... and until now (3 mo) she has done well.  I took her to the doctors today
for a rash that I cannot get to go away .... she has small pimple-like
blisters all over, and then has red swollen dry bumpy patches on her legs.
 My pediatrician said he suspects a SOY allergy.  So - we are back to
Nutramagin.  I meant to ask him a few questions ... but forgot.  Can someone
DEVELOP an allergy over time .... do well with something and eventually
develop an allergy to it ??  And Nutramagin has a SOY OIL in it .... so will
this also act as an allergen ??  With all the changes, if the rash
disappears, then the doctor is planning to do some allergy testing (RAST) in

My son (who is Hyperactive) has quite a few allergies as well and a lot of
them act as TRIGGERS with his behavior ... he is 3yo.  He is allergic to
dairy and carrots and citrus and additives and preservatives and colors and
fillers and NOW we are finding he has a problem with salicylates as well.  We
also suspect SOY.  He is having RAST testing (what exactly is this, other
than BLOOD WORK ??)

Do food allergies run in families ??  And does Hyperactivity run in families
??  We also have a little boy who is almost 8 weeks old .... can we expect
him to have allergies too ??  And can we reasonably expect our 15mo daughter
to be hyperactive (she is very busy, but not hyper so far) as well as our 8
week old ??  And if allergies and/or Hyperactivity DO run in families, are
they usually SIMILAR allergies and/or Triggers ??

Thank you soooo much in advance .... this is all SOOOOO confusing sometimes
and a bit overwhelming ..... but I keep working at it hoping that someday we
will have HEALTHY HAPPY children.

Thanks in advance .... again !!
