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Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:59:00 -0500
Linda R Etherton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (197 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for everyone's replies.  It seems I have an allergy problem, not a
contamination problem.  Has anyone tried Bette Hagman's Four Flour Bread
using a substitute for the corn starch?  Linda


I've been using Argo for my daughter forever without any apparent


I've been using Argo cs for years w/no problems.  I do, also buy it in
bulk from Costco......[different brand]


Argo guarantees they are GF...there shouldn't be any cross-
contamination, unless things have changed with them....

You might want to be tested for corn allergy.  I know that you said that
you seem to tolerate it, but in varying degrees, people may have


send for it from Authentic foods on their 800 no , they are the only co
that is purely gluten free milling and no chance for crosscontamination.
you might stop all flour products and see if you get better and eat only
salads without dressing and vegetables. It could be the meat you are
eating so stop this and all dairy, dairy products are good for
constipation problems


I would think that if it's a reaction to cornstarch, you would also react
to corn, although maybe it's a reaction to breathing the dust? Try a
dust/pollen mask and see if that helps.


I know for a fact that Argo Corn Starch is GF. I too dealt with
constipation and not diarrhea in the beginning of being celiac. I know
a number of our members in the support group use it with no problems so
cross-contamination is questionnable.


My husband, also a very sensitive celiac, does just fine with the Argo
brand cornstarch.  Could you be allergic or sensitive to corn itself?


Are you msg sensitive?  A speaker at the CSA conference said cornstarch
has free glutamic acids (the same kind of compound that causes problems
with msg) and it can bother those that are sensitve to msg.  Tons of
other foods are in the same category...He has a web site at

I've never had any problems w/ argo cornstarch.  It could be you are
allergic to something in the corn that is especially concentrated in
cornstarch, not celiac related.


I have a terrible reaction to anything with corn in it, especially corn
fructose or cornstarch. I am not actually "allergic" to corn, however.
One of my IGg4 food allergy tests showed that I was intolerant of corn
GLUTEN. I have not seen this before or since in any literature about CD.
I just think some of us are sensitive to the gluten in rice and corn,
although with me, it is just the corn. it is actually worse than the
wheat to try and avoid, however. this makes life really difficult as a
celiac, but you have to play the hand you're dealt, as the song says........


did you ask the Dr. because of GERD (gastroesophagael reflux desease)
because of eating and drinking to much acid containing or spicy and cold
icy drinks?


After years of being gluten free, I still have problems with too much of
any other grain.  Corn for a long time was the worst.  Fresh has for the
most part always been fine, but processed in any way (ground, dehydrated,
whatever) always caused some problems.  I chalk it up to a completely
whacked out digestive system that will, in my case, probibly never be


NOt a direct answer to your question - but if you are cooking from
scratch, you can use tapioca starch or arrow root starch instead of corn


try using potato starch, tapioca starch, or arrowroot starch instead,
just to see if it gets better


Perhaps egg yolks.  With that wonderful thing 'hindsight'  That was one
food item that could give me 'flu like symptoms for a week.


   MILK and CHEESE cause those reactions in me. Are you dairy free?  I
wonder if you are perhaps sensitive to whatever chemicals are used in
the process of of extracting the starch from the corn (I don't know how
it is done, but we avoided it for many years, just started using it
recently, and, I'm not really sure it is working out after all....My
boys can eat corn and we use cornmeal and eat popcorn, but there is
something different with cornstarch (I also hesitate to use a non-
nutritive food like that in large quantity such as for baking cornbread,
though I have to admit that having tried it at last instead of brown
rice flour alone, it really does improve the texture. Could you use
potato starch instead, perhaps?

I just looked it up in Ruth Winter's Food Additives, and she says that
many containers are powdered with cornstarch to prevent sticking (it can
be called Maizema and Mondamin)....May cause allergic reactions,
including skin rashes and asthma...."


I am allergic to wheat and corn (I am not celiac, but have a daughter
with gluten intolerance (antigliadin IgG pos)).  It took me a
lonnggggggg time to figure out that I am allergic to corn, because
regular corn (in a can, popcorn, corn on the cob) did not bother me.
The first product to bother me was.........Diet Coke!!! (citric acid is
made from corn, as is caramel color).  Now that I've eliminated most of
the 40 or so foods that I am allergic to, I can see how different forms
of corn affect me better (before, I was in the midst of a reaction all
the time - couldn't   tell from what!).   What I have found is that I
can tolerate whole corn (popcorn) but absolutely not a trace of:  corn
starch, high fructose corn syrup or malto-dextrin.  Corn starch is the
worst culprit.  I get a variety of symptoms, depending on the dose -
from burning in my mouth, runny nose, bumps on my face and neck that
look like acne but are very sore and last 3 weeks after an exposure,
tight throat, wheezing, hives.


Hi How long have you been diagnosed? It could be milk. I also get
constipated with this diet. You need lots of fibre foods. The doctor
told me to try a mixture of 1/2 cup of apple sauce, 1/2 cup of prune
juice, and 1/2 cup of rice cereal. Mix it together and take 2
tablespoons a day. It looks gross but it works. I used puffed rice and I
put it into the blender first. Hope it helps. I'm in canada and I use
Canada Corn starch and it states on the box it is gluten free.


You almost certainly have other food allergies, as you sound just like I

 I was totally gf for 1 1/2 years, and wasn't any better.  Difficulty
swallowing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, CONSTIPATION!!!!,
abdominal distention, abdominal pain etc..........  It wasn't until I
got a blood test for food allergies, (the skin testing was negative) and
went off those foods for 4 mos, did my symptoms go away. It is very
common for Celiacs to be allergic to other foods.  This company has a
money back guarantee if you don't get better in 3 months!!  Ever heard
of that???!!!  Anyway, here is the letter I send everyone, and they
literally saved my life!! Good luck!!  I know how you feel!  I went to
19 Dr's before I was diagnosed with CD, and only after I told the MD to
do an endoscopy.  To answer your question, there are other things that
can mimic CD.  There are things called delayed food allergies, or food
sensitivities.  You can have a reaction to something up to 3 days after
you eat something, so it is impossible to find out on your own.

I was Gluten-free, very strict for 1 1/2 years, and not much better.  I
had a blood test done by Better Health U.S.A. in Ft. Lauderdale, (a
mailed in specimen), and it showed that I have allergies to 23 different
foods (besides the CD).  I had traditional skin testing for food
allergies and it all came back negative. Any way, their web site it
www.betterhealthusa.com.  It lists all the symptoms that can be
attributed to food sensitivities.  They have
a money back guarantee if you don't get better in 3 months!!  You could
possible just be sensitive to wheat, or other grains instead of having
CD, and it could go away if you stay away from them for a few months.
Their phone number is 1-800-684-2231.  My shortness of breath (which was
severe) is gone after being off the foods for 7 months, and my abdominal
pain, which was debilitating, is 70% better!  My allergist wouldn't
order the test, because he said it was a bunch of hooey, so don't bother
asking your Dr. about it.

They have a Dr. there who will order it.  After you are diagnosed, they
have a dietician work with you for a year, over the phone and by mail.
This company has literally saved my life!  2 years ago when we went to
DisneyWorld, I had to rent an electric wheelchair everyday, because I
got so short of breath walking around.  We just went again, and I was
able to walk at a normal pace all day long with no problems!  I highly
recommend them!!