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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 19:51:44 -0600
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                           Judith M. Dixon, Ph.D.
                         Consumer Relations Officer
     National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
                            Library of Congress
                            Washington, DC 20542
                            E-mail: [log in to unmask]

                               Doug Wakefield
                        Telecommunication Specialist
           Architectural Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
                               Washington, DC
                     E-mail: [log in to unmask]

   Learning to use a computer and its associated components can often be
   a daunting task. Making this job more difficult is the fact that
   formal computer training is often not an option; either because there
   is not enough time; not enough money; or, most commonly, no
   appropriate training opportunities. While this situation affects all
   computer users at one time or another, it can be an especially
   formidable obstacle for blind and visually impaired computer users.

   While sighted colleagues acquire their computer skills by going to
   training courses, where 15-20 persons are trained simultaneously, such
   training is usually so mouse-intensive and relies so heavily on
   watching the instructor's movements, that these training opportunities
   usually have little, if any, value for a blind person. And, though
   most hardware and software arrives with a manual that is intended to
   instruct the new user on the basics of the component, accessing these
   manuals can also present a challenge.

   For people who rely on screen readers to access a computer, the
   learning process is a two-pronged undertaking. First, is learning the
   new product, and simultaneously, is learning how the new product
   functions from the keyboard and how the new product works with a
   particular screen reader.

Assessment of Learning Styles

   The first stage in the learning process is to acquire an understanding
   of an individual's best way of learning. People think and learn in
   different ways. In any group, there will always be evidence of
   different learning characteristics, and different cultural groups may
   emphasize one cognitive style over another. Psychologists refers to
   these different learning characteristics as one's "learning style." A
   "learning style" is defined as the sum of the patterns of how
   individuals develop habitual ways of responding to experience.
   Learning styles are distinguished by considering the holistic vs. the
   analytic learner.

   An important factor in understanding learning styles is understanding
   brain functioning. Both sides of the brain can reason, but by
   different strategies, and one side may be dominant. The left brain is
   considered analytic in approach, while the right is described as
   holistic or global. A successive processor (left brain) prefers to
   learn in a step-by-step sequential format, beginning with details
   leading to a conceptual understanding of a skill. A simultaneous
   processor (right brain) prefers to learn beginning with the general
   concept and then going on to specifics.

   For the purposes of this discussion, learning styles can be thought to
   be auditory (left brain) or visual (right brain). An auditory learning
   style (left brain) is characterized by verbal processes, response to
   word meaning, processing information linearly, and preference for
   formal study design. A visual style is characterized by visual,
   tactual, or kinesthetic processes; response to word pitch and feeling;
   processing information in chunks; and preference for sound/music
   background while studying.

Choosing the Best Learning Methods

   There are a variety of learning methods available. Once a learning
   style has been determined, it can help make the best choice of
   learning opportunities. Auditory learners would probably choose
   cassette tutorials or a live trainer, whereas visual learners may
   prefer braille or large-print books or other forms of hardcopy

   Sources of Useful Documentation and Tutorials A perennial source of
   training materials for blind persons has been private entrepreneurs
   who produce tutorials for specific products. Generally, these have
   been audiocassette productions, which work well as an adjunct to using
   a computer. There is a growing amount of material available in
   hardcopy braille and computer disk. When searching for books and
   magazines about computers, another good source is the cooperating
   network library.

   A new source of cassette and text-based tutorials is Project Assist
   with Windows. This federally funded project has produced a variety of
   tutorials for using Windows applications with popular screen readers;
   all tutorials are free of charge and are available as downloadable
   files or can be ordered on audiocassette. More information about
   Project Assist can be obtained at:

Help File to Windows Clipboard and/or Text File

   When beginning with a new software package, one easy way to get
   documentation in accessible format is to copy the help file or
   portions of it to the Windows clipboard. Then the information can be
   retrieved into something like Wordpad or Notepad and read or saved to
   a text file if braille output is desired.

   There is also a shareware program, called Smartdoc, that automatically
   saves help files as text file. Smartdoc is a software package that is
   very useful for creating accessible documentation from a Windows help
   file. This Windows 3.1/95 program can convert almost any help file
   into a text file. Smartdoc is shareware, easy to use, and available

Keystroke Lists from Help Files

   Most Windows applications have a help file that is specific to that
   application. Very often these help systems will include a section on
   specific keyboard commands for the application. To locate these, go to
   the help index and type "key," sometimes they are listed under
   "keyboard" and sometimes under "keystroke." Once located, it is a
   simple matter to select all with control-a, copy the file to the
   Windows clipboard, open a text editor such as Wordpad, paste the
   contents of the clipboard, and save the file for later reading or

Other Sources of Information

   There is a great deal of information about computers, operating
   systems, software packages, etc. available on the Internet. Some of it
   is in the form of full-length books, some very authoritative
   information is available from the web site of the producer/publisher
   of the item in question, while much of it is in the form of anecdotal
   information passed from individual to individual. A good source of
   full-length books is the MacMillan Digital Bookshelf at This site allows a user to select and download
   five books. The selection is vast and varied and includes titles on
   operating systems, popular software applications, and general computer
   subjects. Almost every major manufacturer and vendor has a web site
   with a vast quantity of useful information on the specific product.
   For more informal assistance, there are literally thousands of
   listservs and newsgroups where individuals can exchange information
   and provide assistance with common problems.

Training Sighted Helpers to Render Visual Concepts into Verbal Terms

   Sometimes, when installing new hardware or software or just when
   Windows has decided to unexpectedly misbehave, it can be very helpful
   to obtain the assistance of a sighted friend or colleague. But often,
   it seems that competent sighted Windows users are unable to give a
   blind person the necessary information for an adequate resolution of
   the problem.

   There are several reasons for this: the blind person often doesn't
   have a thorough knowledge of how Windows "looks" on the screen, the
   sighted person may lack the appropriate vocabulary to describe the
   objects in Windows, and the sighted person is usually accustomed to
   operating in the Windows environment in a very visual way with an
   approach to the whole problem completely different from that of the
   blind person's.

   It can be very helpful for a blind person to learn how things appear
   on the screen. What are the various ways that something can be
   "highlighted"? What does an element look like when it has the "focus"?
   What are the different shapes of mouse pointers and what do they mean?
   How does a sighted person visually tell a checkbox from a radio
   button? It can also be helpful for the blind person to acquaint the
   sighted person with some of the names of Windows elements that screen
   readers (and developers) use routinely. What is a dialog box, a list
   box, a combo box, a slider, etc.?

   It can also be helpful for the sighted person to become aware of how
   Windows can be used from the keyboard. What can typically be expected
   from the tab key, from alt-spacebar, or from alt-tab?


   The most successful blind computer users rely on a combination of
   learning techniques and strategies. It is important that educators,
   computer trainers, and the like be aware of the materials and
   opportunities that are available. Many of these are radically
   different from the techniques traditionally used by sighted computer
   users but have nonetheless proven to be effective.

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