I bought this book back in may- Here's a review I mentioned to FAST
(Food Allergy Survivors Together). I wrote to the company to get the
Doc as a chat host, but I think they didn't like my review, they were
looking for something more positive than constructive...It's at home
right now, so more info would have to come on monday........
X-Sender: [log in to unmask]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 09:33:20 -0500
To: [log in to unmask]
From: Juliann Seebauer <[log in to unmask]>
I haven't looked at the book in a few months, but I do remember There
is very little about wheat allergy in the book- you could really help
with that section, Melissa. They grouped all grains together (wheat,
barley, corn) to avoid. Which many of us experience that they could
have one, but not the others. very little about byproducts causing
trouble. Butter was listed as safe for milk-allergic, since it
doesn't have any proteins in it. (anyone here willing to try some???)
She was typical-'Only proteins cause allergy'. Tho the book's title
had the word 'intolerance', there was little about gluten
intolerance. Good sections on sulfites, salicylates, seafood, and
other 'odd allergies'. (hmm, don't think garlic was there either).
She did attempt to list some 'alternate names', but it was mostly the
unuseful- 'may be found in'. I'd like to see more alternate names.
Maybe she'll put out a new addition,
For the people who missed the start of this conversation- I found
this book listed on the web, and bought it back in May.
There's 2 books listed, the cheaper is bound
for 'patients' the 3x$ is in a binder and made for docs to photocopy- same
info. http://www.hallpublications.com/title1.html
ISSN 0-9682098-2-3
Dietary Management of Food Allergies & Intolerances,
A Comprehensive Guide Janice Vickerstaff Joneja, Ph.D.