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momodou olly-mboge <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 20:57:01 -0500
text/plain (338 lines)
Hi Ebrima,

Keep it up.  History shall bear withness to the truth.  Your relentless
struggle for a better Gambia shall be rewarded.  Freedom shall be ours.  THE

The ranting and raving of this so-called Alan D. Collins is nothing but
puffing of hot air.  He is trying to placate our minds by blowing his own

The guy and his friends are exposed and now they are resorting to
intimidation with legal action.  But Mr Collins should not underestimate the
dedication of the new generation of Gambians who wants a better future for
their country.

His accusation of the opposition of  wanting to remove a democratically
elected government shows a lack of knowledge of the Gambian situation or a
deliberate attempt to trivialize it.

He should be reminded that both Britain and the USA of which he claims
citizenship see Yahya and the APRC as rogues and murderers.  No wonder the
Clinton administration stopped all direct aid to the Gambia since this moron
with an eliorated mind came to power.

Can MR Collins tell us what is democratic about an uncouth moron who usurp
power with the gun?  Maybe Collins democratic standards are from another

Collins should also tell us what is good about a government who had ordered
the killings of school children, abduction of its citizens and burning down
independent radio stations, the denial of meetings of its opposition,
amending of parts of the constitution which are 'inimical' to the interest
of the APRC etc.

Collins and his kind are the type of foreign investors we do not need in
Africa.  His type helped people like Mobutu to ruin the continent.  WE WILL

Mr Collins do not know what he is talking about.  Just because Gambians ask
some questions about his 'business' warrants him to label us communist.
This is really a laughable assumption.

And Finally MR Collins should be reminded that English is not our language,
as long as we are understood, we care less.

Gambia deserves better. Let him take whatever legal action he dsires, we
shall defend ourselves vigorously.

I for one resides in London, UK and he can do whatever he wants about it.

Ebrima, you and your sources are doing a marvelous job.  Keep it up.



>From: Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: HILO Gambia MD reacts to My source
>Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 20:25:28 -0000
>The unedited e-mail below came from the managing director of HILO in the
>Gambia, Alan D Collins. He is reacting to my source's e-mail about his
>company. The attachment came with a short covering letter in which he was
>threatening me. I will be sending the covering letter separately later on.
>Alan Collins: I think you are a real joker! Do you think you can threaten
>me? Well, you better do your home work about who Ebrima Ceesay is? Anyway,
>if time permits me, I'll give you a fitting response.
>Ebrima Ceesay
>Birmingham, UK
>Hilo Trading (Gambia) Ltd
>November 27, 2000
>I am in receipt of an e-mail sent from Gambia-L dated November 23rd 2000.
>Clearly, you hide behind a veil of anonymity. We do not. Cowards afraid of
>the truth hide in fear of being found out. Those of us who are trying to do
>things correctly are unafraid and can issue a statement from a known
>location, as we are now doing.
>Whoever wrote the e-mail is evidently completely unaware of the true state
>of affairs. In addition, the e-mail is not only scurrilous but, more
>seriously, libellous.
>The Gambian Government is not hoodwinking anyone. The recent ‘agreement’
>reached between the parties represents a significant profit for Alimenta,
>far, far more than they ever achieved during their operations within The
>Gambia.  It is you, and your ilk, that are attempting to hoodwink the
>People, no-one else. Hoodwinking the EU would be unthinkable, for surely it
>could not possibly be done?
>I am unaware of any Company being formed to act as a front for His
>Excellency Jammeh, leave aside one that buys Groundnuts. I may certainly
>state that Hilo Trading (Gambia) Ltd has been formed – as an offshoot from
>its American company – to buy groundnuts from the farmer of The Gambia. As
>The President of this company, I inform you that you commit a libel by
>printing a lie. I strongly suggest you cease and desist, and retract the
>ill-advised statements made to date.
>When I trace your whereabouts, and be assured I will, I shall take
>legal action. Of course, you do not dare to back your statements by openly
>confronting me. Again, you prove your cowardice.
>The “raisons d’etre” of Hilo Trading (Gambia) Ltd are to ensure that the
>farmers are paid on time, to make a profit, as a private company is
>so to do, and to recognize, and accept, the necessity for social, economic
>and political responsibility.
>The question of a monopoly:  (I assume you meant ‘monopoly’ instead of
>‘monolopy’?) It is the EU in reality that is truly trying to monopolise The
>Gambia, as it insidiously spreads its tentacles here and over an
>increasingly large slice of the globe.
>It is you, my cowardly friends, who are being hoodwinked by those you
>consider allies. Et tu, Brutus?
>I must agree that the farmers are not fools. They were not fools when they
>applauded our plans at Tenda Ba, and they were not fools to accept FACS as
>our buying agent for groundnuts. They are further confirmed as not being
>fools because they are clever enough to perceive that we, as Hilo Trading,
>are fully committed to them. What we have said we will do, we have done.
>And, they are certainly not fools because they are receiving immediate
>payment at secco level for their peanuts this season. Already we have
>disbursed D 10 million to farmers.
>No, my afraid friends, the farmers are not fools and neither will they be
>hoodwinked like they have been these past few years – and none of those the
>fault of the Government. They are not fools because they will never listen
>to the likes of you. Your statements about them are not in the best
>interests of the farmers, for should they listen to you, they would surely
>suffer, and badly so.
>As to the EU and Alimenta not being fools – I could not possibly comment.
>Once again you commit libel by stating that Hilo Trading is a dummy
>Hilo Trading Inc USA is a US$ 23 million a year merchant company, formed in
>Our Gambian operation was incorporated in March 2000 with the express
>purpose of operating fully from this season onward.
>I am not only a British National, but an American citizen too. Thus I have
>both countries resources and protection. Be warned - I know ST
>JOHNS.EDU….and I will use my resources to track you down and expose you to
>The People Of The Gambia as the troublemakers you are.
>Those of your ‘colleagues’ in Atlanta need not bother to check out the
>‘funny’ company of “Hailo” for they shall surely not find it. Perhaps this
>e-mail will assist you in your uneducated approaches to the dissident
>factor; for, surely, you will now at least have the correct spelling of our
>‘funny’ company. Your spelling overall, by the way is thoroughly appalling.
>Your fellow true-countrymen, those that don’t operate in dark and dank and
>secret places, will not find HILO being so funny, but, rather quite
>This will be the case when we assist the country, through its farmers, back
>to an economic sanity within the Groundnut Sub-Sector by paying farmers for
>peanuts delivered on time – with NO CREDIT BUYING.
>I do not object to being called a ‘Software Engineer’, for that is a
>privileged and quite honourable position. Why are you so derogatory about
>software engineers? It seems you have little good to say about anyone or
>anything. I also wonder how I became a software engineer having spent my
>past 30 years in the groundnut business. I must sleep less than I think, or
>study in my REM sleep.
>The nonsense that you write is clearly indicative that perhaps you are
>at pre-school, kindergarten perhaps? Surely, a grown adult with any degree
>of education would shy away from writing such adolescent rubbish? And yet,
>e-mailing illegally from StJohns.Edu would indicate otherwise, which I find
>enormously interesting as I begin to track down who you are.
>Hilo Trading Gambia has invested almost US$ 3 million this year in The
>Gambia. Do you still consider us to be a ‘funny’ company?  What has anyone
>else invested? What have you and your band of troublemakers invested or
>contributed for your country? I’ll wager absolutely nothing, of course. If
>not for Hilo and this Government, this season would have been a non-starter
>as well. The Government is strapped because of being hoodwinked by last
>season’s operators who still owe millions and millions and millions of
>Dalasis to them and others. The good deed, last season, of the Govt coming
>to the rescue with funds has been paid back by a web of deceit and
>committed by those to whom money was given. More evidence of your ‘friends
>of The Gambia’. No doubt you exist so as to communicate with them all of
>your twisted thoughts. Perhaps they hide in the same slime as you people;
>doubt you are happy bedfellows.
>We have invested. We have contributed. We are producing. We are helping. We
>therefore have a right to priority usage of Denton Bridge for we are the
>only ones serious enough to complete the task at hand. What rights do you
>Your writings are the ranting of jealous Gambians who have contributed
>nothing, but want everything; of political dissidents scrambling for power
>that they cannot possible obtain by fair means, but only by foul; of
>ignoramuses, unwilling or incapable of understanding even the most
>simplistic truths; of those that prefer chaos to security, of bad times
>rather than good times. You seek to wreck, not to build. You wish to
>society, not make it any better. You are the true menace to The People of
>The Gambia.
>You are frauds and charlatans because you profess to speak the truth but in
>fact you speak not only lies but utter and absolute drivel. The dog barking
>in the street, the cat meowing at night, or the bray of cattle at dawn all
>contain more truth than you could ever hope to muster by writing 10,000
>As I, personally, neither Hilo Trading Gambia Ltd, have ever ‘stolen’ from
>The Gambian population, your accusations, of being ‘shameless crooks’ by
>deduction, must surely therefore be libellous to the EU and Alimenta. I
>suspect they will be none too happy with you in this regard.
>We will not be stopped in our attempt to rectify the appalling problems
>created these past few years, through no fault of Government. There IS a
>trade season in progress, with farmers receiving money, and money only from
>Hilo Trading. We shall commence shelling within a matter of days and
>a few days thereafter. This Government is more than competent; however it
>not Government’s role to run private businesses. I remind you, again, for
>the dim-witted need reminding often – without the Govt intervening with
>funds this past trade season it would have been an even greater disaster.
>The insistence, of some, that buying operations be free, open and
>competitive is admirable. Theory is such a wonderful thing. Communism was
>once thought admirable. Your mumbo-jumbo is theory because you would never
>have the sense to put in place what you preach because you could not
>power in an effective democracy. But, in reality, yours, and it, is the
>diatribe of the economically insane. A business needs to be managed
>and not in a socialistic ‘Alice In Wonderland’. Imagine Coca-Cola allowing
>others access to its trade patents, its productions and its marketing
>channels and so forth. Look what happened last season – 3 non-professional,
>not so ‘funny’ companies combined into one gigantic imbroglio and landed
>country in to a depressingly stupid and hopeless situation. They could not
>have done a worse job if they had tried, and, yet, these are the very
>you support as you attempt to destabilize a freely elected Government and
>the very people of The Gambia and its many venerable institutions.
>As far as funds being released by donors to Alimenta – more verbal
>indeed. An agreement has been reached and that is the end of that.
>As to the start of the Trade Season, your reasoning is once again far from
>sound. Your reasoning shows a fundamental disregard for the search of truth
>and is bereft of logic. The simple reasons for any ‘delays’ were two-fold:
>firstly, the farmers informed us, at Tenda Ba, that they were simply not
>ready to harvest and secondly, Government has sensibly been awaiting the
>announcement of a Senegalese price.
>The season has now been announced, as it was no longer possible to await
>price from Senegal. Senegal appears so disorganised and most probably will
>not start purchasing from their farmers until January 2001 at the earliest.
>Perhaps your spleen is better vented at them, my frightened friends. For
>Gambia has a ‘jump-start’ by announcing an early Trade Season, much to the
>credit of this current administration.
>Well, in closing, just a further thought.
>Do you know it is illegal to send private e-mails over a university system
>server? It is also illegal to send political propaganda in the same manner.
>We shall contact the University’s website and we shall inform the
>of your little games. We shall indeed contact our lawyers in the USA for
>legal action. Perhaps the INS might also be interested in your paperwork? I
>do so hope you are legal aliens?
>Perhaps you may find life a little unpleasant from now on and you may not
>able to continue to use the same methods to send your spiteful, hateful and
>unequivocally incompetent and untruthful mails.
>Yours very truly,
>Alan D Collins President, Hilo Trading (Gambia) Ltd
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