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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 18:38:52 -0500
Steve Zielinski <[log in to unmask]>
ATACP listserv <[log in to unmask]>
Resent-From: Steve Zielinski <[log in to unmask]> Originally-From: Roger Petersen <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (233 lines)
+== acb-l Message from Roger Petersen <[log in to unmask]> ==+
Here is an example of where I'd be if I won the lotery!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 08:45:28 -0700
From: David L. Jaffe <[log in to unmask]>
To: RESNA SIG-11 E-mail Distribution List <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: International Conference on Auditory Display

   International Conference on Auditory Display Advanced Programme

                             The Fifth
                International Conference on Auditory Display
                       University of Glasgow, UK
                         November 1-4, 1998
                           Sponsored by:
      Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow   or

Continuing the work of the successful series of ICAD Conferences, ICAD'98
will be held on November 1-4, 1998 at the University of Glasgow, UK. This is
the the first time the ICAD conference will have been held outside the USA.
ICAD is the premier forum for presenting research on the use of sound to
provide enhanced user interfaces, display data, monitor systems, and for
computers and virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular focus on
auditory displays, and the array of perception, technology, design and
application areas that these encompass.

ICAD'98 will be chaired by Dr Stephen Brewster from the University of Glasgow
and Dr Alistair Edwards from the University of York.

We are really happy to announce that the Keynote speakers for ICAD will be
Prof Albert Bregman from McGill University, Canada and Dr Bill Gaver from the
Royal College of Art, London.

* Perceptual organization and auditory displays by Albert Bregman
Laboratory research over the last quarter century has revealed many
organizational principles used by the auditory system in its perception of
distinct sounds in complex acoustic environments. The purpose of these
principles is to separate the components of sounds coming from different
environmental sources and integrate those coming from the same source. These
same principles are applicable to artificial environments, such as the
auditory display of data or the monitoring of the states of complex systems
such as computers. I will go over some of these principles, illustrating them
with sounds, and will try to show how they can be employed to help the
listener make use of auditory displays more effectively.

* The SonicFinder - What Was I Thinking? by Bill Gaver
The SonicFinder was the first example of an interface using auditory icons,
and arguably still the best. But it was certainly a creature of its time. In
this talk, I want to discuss the functional, representational, aesthetic,
cultural, and political assumptions that it embodies, contrast these with my
current perceptions, and suggest new ways to think about auditory interfaces
that are more suitable to the current time.

We also have a full programme of papers, posters and demonstrations. For full
details of accepted papers see the end of this message or the ICAD websites.
We will also be having a talk from Dr Stephen Arnold, the President of the
International Computer Music Association.

The 1st November will be a tutorial day. We have four great half-day
tutorials lined up. "Sounds of Action and Sounds of Silence" by Mikael
Fernstrom, "Sonic Framing: Relating Aural Perception to Visual Experience" by
Eric Somers, "User-Centred Design Principles and their Application in the
Effective Design of Auditory Displays" by Bruce Walker and "Psychophysics and
Technology of Virtual Acoustic Displays" by Elizabeth Wenzel. Tutorials cost
25 each (free to students!). Full details are on the web pages.

Full registration details can be found on the ICAD web sites. An early
registration discount is available until 21st September so book soon! Before
21st September registration is 80 for students, 200 for academics and 250 for
comercial attendees. After 21st September prices in all categories rise by
50. You must also book your hotel. Full details of hotels and payment
instructions can be found on the Websites.

As part of the social programme for ICAD we will be visiting the Glengoyne
whisky distillery to see (and taste!) whisky being made. There will also be a
reception by the Lord Provost of Glasgow in the City Chambers and a full
conference dinner.

Full details of the programme, tutorials, registration, hotels and travel
arrangements can be found on the ICAD websites:    or

For general queries and questions contact: mailto:[log in to unmask]
For registration queries contact: mailto:[log in to unmask]

* Early registration deadline:  21 September, 1998
* Camera ready copy due:        21 September, 1998
* ICAD Conference:              1-4 November, 1998

(for full details see the ICAD websites)

Paul Vickers, James L. Alty (School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University) Towards some Organising Principles for
Musical Program Auralisations

Michael J. Evans (School of Computer Science Cybernetics and Electronic
Engineering University of Reading) Synthesising Moving Sounds

Myra P. Bussemakers, Abraham de Haan (Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and
Information, Catholic University of Nijmegen) Using Earcons and Icons in
Categorisation Tasks to Improve Multimedia Interfaces

Eric Somers (State University of New York, Dutchess Community College) A
Pedagogy of Creative Thinking based on Sonification of Visual Structures and
Visualization of Aural Structures

Catriona Macaulay, Alison Crerar (Department of Computing Napier University)
'Observing' the Workplace Soundscape: Ethnography and Auditory Interface

Stephen A Brewster (Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow)
Sonically-Enhanced Drag and Drop

Naut Humon, Bill Thibault, Vance Galloway, Garnet Willis, Jessica Grace Wing
(Sound Traffic Control) Sound Traffic Control: An Interactive 3-D Audio
System for Live Musical Performance

T Lehmann (Heinz Nixdorf Institute) Case Study of a Software Structure for a

Terri L. Bonebright, Nadine E. Miner, Timothy E. Goldsmith, Thomas P. Caudell
(Dept of Psychology, DePauw University) Data Collection and Analysis
Techniques for Evaluating the Perceptual Qualities of Auditory Stimuli

Sanae Wake, Toshiyuki Asahi (NEC Human Media Research Labs.) Sound Retrieval
with Intuitive Verbal Expressions

Peggy Zwolinski, Jean-Claude Sagot (Institut Polytechnique de Sevenans.
L'Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard) A simulation approach to
the design and evaluation of auditory interfaces in a high speed train
driving cab

Evangelos N. Mitsopoulos (Department of Computer Science University of York)
A Principled Methodology for the Specification and Design of Non-Visual

David J. Bennett (Department of Computer Science University of York)
Exploration of Non-seen Diagrams

Ville Pulkki, Tapio Lokki (Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal
Processing Helsinki University of Technology) Creating Auditory Displays with
Multiple Loudspeakers using VBAP: A Case Study with DIVA project

Norbert Braun, Ralf Dorner (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics) Using
Sonic Hyperlinks in Web-TV

David Williams, Christine Cheepen (Vocalis Ltd.) 'The Sound of Silence': A
Preliminary Experiment Investigating Non-Verbal Auditory Representations in
Telephone-Based Automated Spoken Dialogues

Mikael Fernstrom, Caolan McNamara (Interaction Design Centre, University of
Limerick) After Direct Manipulation - Direct Sonification

Mikael Fernstrom, Niall Griffith (Interaction Design Centre University of
Limerick) LiteFoot - Auditory Display of Footwork

Gerhard Eckel (MD - German National Research Center for Information
Technology) A Spatial Auditory Display for the CyberStage

Benjamin U. Rubin (Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York
University, and Electronic Arts Research Studio) Audible Information Design
in the New York City Subway System: A Case Study

Stephane Conversy (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique - Universite de
Paris-Sud) Ad-hoc synthesis of auditory icons

Nancy L. Vause, D. Wesley Grantham (U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Human
Research and Engineering Directorate) Speech Intelligibility in Adverse
Conditions in Recorded Virtual Auditory Environments

Millicent Cooley (Carnegie Mellon University) Sound + Image in Design

Emil Jovanov, Dusan Starcevic, Kristen Wegner, Daniel Karron, Vlada
Radivojevic (University of Belgrade) Acoustic Rendering as Support for
Sustained Attention During Biomedical Procedures

Perry R Cook, Georg Essl, Georgos Tzanetakis, Dan Trueman (Department of
Comptuer Science (also Music) Princeton University) N>>2: Multi-speaker
Display Systems for Virtual Reality and Spatial Audio Projection

Gregory Leplatre, Stephen A Brewster (Department of Computing Science,
University of Glasgow) An Investigation of Using Music to Provide Navigation

Kristen Wegner (Computer Aided Surgery Incorporated) Surgical Navigation
System and Method Using Audio Feedback

Murray Crease, Stephen Brewster (Department of Computing Science, University
of Glasgow) Making Progress With Sounds - The Design & Evaluation Of An Audio
Progress Bar

Helen Petrie, Sarah Morley (Sensory Disabilities Research Unit University of
Hertfordshire) The Use of Non-Speech Sounds in Non-Visual Interfaces to the
MS-Windows GUI for Blind Computer Users

Patrick Roth, Lori Petrucci, Thierry Pun, Andre Assimacopoulos (Department of
Computer Science, University of Geneva) AB-Web : Active audio browser for
visually impaired and blind users

* ACB-L is maintained and brought to you as a service      *
* of the American Council of the Blind.                    *