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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Joseph Rzeczycki <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jan 2001 22:04:22 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Very interesting posts. I appreciate the warm welcome.
I'll probably avoid more er4yt foods some day but for now I'm going to get
used to the Paleo diet. I bought some red cabbage, going to make some kraut.
It would probably be a good idea if I did eat mostly poultry & fish for
animal foods being an A+.

Funny thing - at the Vegan websites they all say that meat causes cancer and
at this website they say that sugar and trans-fat causes cancer. This is the
side that I believe. The Paleo diet is very restrictive and I'm the type of
person that could do it. I've been hearing about it for many months. My last
diet was The Pro-Vita! Diet - a book written by Jack Tips ND PhD. It taught
me good food combining. Paleo is similar to his diet (proteins with low carb
vegetables, only w/o grains, etc.).

Good point about the HCI. I was just thinking the same thing myself Lois.
For supper I had sardines and salad and I should have had an HCI tablet with
it, because my eye started twitching after supper (this is inositol or
choline deficiency I think - candida). On the PV plan, I was using vinegars
(mostly distilled) in salads, and also eating acid producing foods like
tomato and corn, as well as grains to balance my body pH. I did improve
after balancing the pH but now I have to get back on the HCI again or I'll
get too alkaline again.

I was doing well on the PV diet, candida and all, then was hanging out at
living-foods website, and did 100% raw foods vegan for 3 months last summer.
I ate way too much fruit. I just LOVED mangoes. All seemed well and then
wham, I started seeing yeasts come out of me in the toilet. I have still not
recovered my former state of health, but my stomach does seem to be starting
to quiet down again today anyway. I haven't had much luck with antifungals.
GSE had no effect while I was eating grains anyway. Nystatin worked OK back
in the mid 80"s, then caused die-off symptoms too bad to tolerate. I could
be wrong, but I think that the Paleo diet will do a pretty good job of
starving out the majority of my candida, and if it persists, I can eat lots
of candida killing foods like garlic, onions, cabbage, broccoli, turnips,
etc. I believe that just my avoidance of grains, legumes, and dairy will
help a whole lot. I also drink about 70 oz. of spring water daily. This is
very helpful with die-off. The die-off effects I now feel are subtle, and I
could still function well at work. I need to starve out the candida
gradually so I don't get too fatigued. I expect it may take several weeks or

Great website. I think I'll stick with this diet. I've been on similar diets
(Dr. Crook).

Take care,

Joe in NH