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Brad Cooley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Evolutionary Fitness Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:40:39 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
I have just finished reading the archives and have been following the
discussions here.  I wanted to introduce myself and ask a question.

I have been following the paleodiet off and on for about 2 years. I also
subscribe to the PALEOFOOD list.  When I started I weighed 315 lbs at 5'11";
I am currently 245 lbs with approximately 183 lbs LBM.  Initially, I made
dietary changes and began lifting weights as I had in high school football,
3-4 sets of a bunch of different exercises.  I got down to 265 lbs and
stalled when I discovered EvFit and incorporated the hierarchal and alactic
training described by Art in his original essay.  I dropped from 265 to 238
in one month; then stalled because of diet (I have a problem not drinking
sodas).  In April of this year my daughter was born and I became extremely
sedentary while helping my wife with the baby in the evenings.  I quickly
gained back over 20 pounds.  In the last month, I have recommitted myself to
the paleodiet and Art's training techniques with good results, over a 10 lb
loss in the last 2 weeks.

My question is in regard to the diet.  I seem to function the best, lose
weight fastest, and have optimal athletic performance (for me) when I eat
virtually zero carbs (very little fruit, nuts, veggies) and eat a diet of
approximately 70% fat/30% protein.  I eat seafood, pasture-raised chicken,
grass-fed beef, grain-fed beef/chicken/pork (as little as possible), organic
eggs, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.  My diet does not seem to match the
"Mediterranean"-paleo diet (40% fat) advocated by some here, including Art.
Is the point of the Med-paleo diet to balance the w6 to w3 fats?  If so,
would a diet high in w3 fats and calories from fat, such as mine, still be
considered ok wrt to EvFit?  BTW, I have no idea what the w6 to w3 ratios
are in my diet...I simply try to eat meat that is naturally raised and is
considered a better source of w3.

