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The Good Twin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:29:10 -0800
text/plain (71 lines)
Mr. Jake

You keep those humans at bay.  You have to watch every step they take!  Happy la-la ing.

On Thu, 15 March 2001, Carla MacInnis wrote:

> Dear Uncle Mike,
>   I'm in rather a bad way --- I gots sumfin caught in my toofies. Mommy gave me one
> of dem bones ... you know the ones  ... real beef bones - not that rawhide stuff
> made in Taiwan and tainted with salmonella (yucksters!). Well, anyway, a stringy
> bit got caught in my teeth and she and Daddy had to save my little furry (or is
> that hairy) little life (I over-dramatize, but what the heck, it's my story!).
> Mommy examined the bones and found them not to be the same type the butcher person
> always gave us. They're in the trash! I'm so sad, cause I loved bones.
>   Moms and Pops figured they had me set right, but I'm still grabbing and tearing
> at my face, like something's still stuck - especially after I eat. Daddy said to
> just let it, whatever it is, rot out. That's just too gross for my liking. Mommy
> brushed my toofies as best as she was able, given I'd take the hand off her if she
> went beyond the limits that "I" set for her, or anyone else for that matter,
> groping around in my mouth! But, sadly (woe is little me!) I'm still beset with
> this irksome problem.  For what seemed an eternity, Mommy has been trying to reach
> "my" vet (not to be confused with "her" doc) with no luck. She ventured forth and
> consulted with another vet clinic, and the only way around my little dilemma is to
> have me anaesthetized to examine my teeth, and clean them while I'm in the land of
> la-la. This is of great concern to me, given my age. I'm a senior dude, ya know,
> and any procedure that requires sleepy time is dang-eeeeerrrrrr-ous!! What's a guy
> to do? I ask you!
>   I'm thinking Mommy should take me to her dentist and have him give me a wee shot
> o that  "laughing gas" and sort me out. Wonder what he'd bill me under?
>   Auntie Mags, I'm sorry to hear about your own toof probs. Not fun! Like Mommy,
> I've never had a tooth taken out; that would simply be too traumatic for the
> tenacious one ... Mommy, not me!
>   Anyway, I think Mommy's gonna have another go at me, but not before she gives me
> one of those little "happy pills" aka Calms Forte. I might behave if there's
> something in it for me. I'll keep y'all posted.
>   Bye for now.
> Your furry nephew,
> Mr. Jake (the cutie boy Cairn) Rockwell
> http://www.brunnet.net/terrier/jake.html for new pics of me :)
> "Michael H. Collis" wrote:
> > lol  yeehaw!!!  Did someone mention my name?   I'd like to meet yours Carla.
> > How's the terrierist, anyway? Is he behaving?  Give the furry nephew my love...
> > Mike
> >
> > Carla MacInnis wrote:
> >
> > > Hey Jen,
> >
> > ---<sniipped>---
> >
> > >   Oh, and if you don't have any pets, get a puppy to practice on :)
> > > Westhighland White Terriers are nice :) Mike loves em! :)
> > >

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