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Eileen McNamara <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 15:16:25 -0600
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                                                                 PLEASE POST

Volume 8
  February 18, 2002
website: <http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/afrst/asphome.html>


Sandwich Seminars: 206 Ingraham, Noon:

Wednesday, February 20:         Matthew Turner, associate professor, 
Geography, UW-Madison
“Environmental Politics and Scientific Practice on African Drylands”

Wednesday, February 27:         Marie Krüger,  Ph.D. (2001), African 
Languages & Literature, UW-                                Madison
“Narrative in the Time of AIDS:  Kenyan Women's Literature”


Summer Cooperative African Language Institute (SCALI) 2002 at Michigan 
State University

 From June 19 through July 27, 2002, Michigan State University (MSU) will 
host the national Summer Cooperative African Language Institute (SCALI). 
The intensive five-week institute provides the equivalent of one-year of 
African language instruction with cultural exposure. SCALI  is offered 
collaboratively by the nation's Title VI National Resource Centers for 
African Language and Area Studies with funding from the US Department of 
Education.  Languages Offered: Amharic,  Swahili., Wolof,  Yoruba, Zulu; 
languages that may be offered  if there are enough enrollments at  the 
elementary and intermediate  levels:  Akan/Twi (2nd year only), 
Bamana/Bambara/Mandingo, Bemba, Chewa/Nyanja, Fula/Fulfulde/Pulaar, Hausa, 
Igbo, Kikuyu, Lingala,  Luganda, Malagasy, Oromo, Rwanda, Shona, Somali, 
Tigrinya,  Tswana/Sesotho, West African Krio,  Xhosa

Application Procedure: If you are interested in attending the SCALI, please 
indicate your  intention and language interest by completing 'Expression of 
Interest'  form on the SCALI website at 
http//www.isp.msu.edu/AfricanStudies/Scali/scali.htm or from a link SCLAI 
on the UW website listed above.

Summer Fulbright-Hays GPA in South Africa.  If you are a student who has 
completed at least one year of Zulu and would benefit from either 
second-year or third-year Zulu in an immersion setting in South Africa over 
the summer, you may apply for a proposed Zulu summer GPA, to be run by 
Sandra Sanneh of Yale. The cost of the program to successful applicants is 
not high. Most expenses are covered by the grant. For application form, 
contact African Studies, Yale University <[log in to unmask]> .Sandra 
Sanneh, Director, Yale Program in African Languages, P.O.Box 208206, New 
Haven CT 06520-8206.Tel(203)-432-1179


The Tenth Annual Graduate Research Conference in African Studies is an 
interdisciplinary conference intended for students at all levels of their 
graduate careers.  The conference will be held this year at Boston 
University March 22-23, 2002.  Paper abstracts are due March 1.  They may 
be submitted on line at 
http://www.bu.edu/africa/programs/graduate/gradconf/ or sent to Graduate 
Student Conference, African Studies Center, 270 Bay State Road, Boston, MA 
02215.  For more information contact Chris Annear ([log in to unmask]) or 
Shelby Carpenter ([log in to unmask])

University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, Canada will be hosting 
an international conference, Islands VII, dealing with Islands of the 
World, which will be held here June 26-30, 2002. It is organized under the 
auspices of our Institute of Island Studies at the university and the 
International Small Islands Studies Association. Themes will include 
globalization, democratization, environment, culture and identity, and 
population, health. For further details and information, see our website at 
www.upei.ca/islandstudies/islandsvii . Especially encouraged are 
submissions from scholars from, or doing research in, sovereign Lusophone 
island states. Also welcome are papers dealing with other islands such as 
the Comoros, Mauritius, Reunion, the Seychelles, and Zanzibar. Henry 
Srebrnik, Dept. of Political Studies  University of Prince Edward Island, 
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada C1A 4P3. Tel: (902) 566-0977.


Yoruba Language Lector Position

The Yale Program in African Languages, with the Council on African Studies 
of the Yale Center for International and Area Studies, announces an opening 
for a lector in African Languages (Yoruba) beginning July 1, 2002. Primary 
duties include teaching five courses per year including elementary (2 
courses) and intermediate (2 courses) Yoruba in four learning-skill 
areasreading, writing, speaking and listening. The fifth course will focus 
on modern literary, cultural and/or sociolinguistic topics as appropriate 
to the appointee's qualifications and expertise. The Lector will also 
participate in program building of African Studies at Yale and, 
specifically, in developing pedagogic materials and the overall curriculum 
for West African languages. Applicants should have experience in teaching 
Yoruba as a second language in a college or university environment and an 
M.A. or other advanced degree in a relevant discipline. Experience with 
computer-aided language learning methods and in software development is 
desirable. Deadline: March 10.  Send letter of application, curriculum vita 
and three letters of recommendation to Sandra Sanneh, Director, Yale 
Program in African Languages,  P.O. Box 208206, New Haven CT 06520, U.S.A.. 
Submissions by email will be accepted by <[log in to unmask]> or by 
<[log in to unmask]>.

“Monday Development” Job Postings: (Copy of Monday Developments , Volume 
20, Number 3 is available in the African Studies Program Office)

Senegal- Oxfam America, an International Development and Relief Agency 
seeks a Regional Director.       Send resume and cover letter to Oxfam 
America, Human Resources, AttnHR/RDWA, 26 West    Street, Boston, MA 02111. 
For more information, email: [log in to unmask]

Bamenda, Cameroon- Heifer International, a hunger and agricultural 
development organization seeks a Country Director. Send cover letter, 
resume and 3 professional references to Africa Program, Attn Kelly 
Rollon,     Heifer International, 1015 Louisiana St, Little Rock, AR, 
72202.   For more information call(501) 907-4925.

Somalia- International Medical Corps (IMC) seeks a Country Director to lead 
its Emergency Primary       Health Care (PHC) and Emergency Health 
Intervention programs. For further informationwww.org-la.org, 
or            email: [log in to unmask], 11500 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 506, 
Los Angeles, CA, 90064-1524.     tel(310) 826-7800; fax(310) 442-6622

Sierra Leone- International Medical Corps (IMC) seeks a Surgeon specialized 
in fistula repairs to assist with its emergency     obstetric and 
gynecological care program. For further information: www.org-la.org, or 
[log in to unmask],11500 West Olympic Blvd., Suite 506, Los Angeles, CA, 
90064-1524; tel(310) 826-7800.  fax(310) 442-6622

Rwanda and Burundi- Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the overseas relief, 
development and social         justice agency of the Catholic community of 
the United States, seeks sub-regional       Administration and Finance 
Manager. For more information see website: www.catholicrelief.org

The Center for Language Education and Research (CLEAR), a Title VI Language 
Resource Center, at Michigan State University announces its 2002 summer 
workshops. This year's eight workshops are hosted on the campus of Michigan 
State University and are open to all foreign language teachers of all 
levels (K-13+).  website: http//clear.msu.edu/institutes/02institutes/

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