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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
David Lewandowski <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 08:44:49 -0800
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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At 12:58 AM 02/20/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dave. I enjoy your posts on the HIT digest.

        Thank you and I your's.

>I think we may be agruing a matter of degrees here. I
>agree wholeheartedly that the "garbage state" we put
>our bodies in provides the environment for viruses and
>germs to proliferate. I would argue, however, that
>viruses and germs will take advantage of that
>environment to do what we all try to do - survive and
>reproduce. And that at some threshold - which is
>probably pretty variable - they (germs and viruses)
>will become more aggressive than the host can handle.
>(Strength in numbers - no?)

        Yes, absolutely. Only a sick dying or dead cell can provide an
environment. A healthy vibrant cell does not.

>>         Plagues and such are provided an environment
>> in which to survive. When you
>> do not have adequate sewage and plumbing services, a
>> diet which provides
>> little in the way of nutrients, and the mental
>> stress of seeing a life of
>> only hard labor with no way out, it is easy to
>> imagine an environment of
>> disease.
>If that were the case, then plagues would not come and
>go in a short period of time, and would not be
>traceable via a plague route. If it were just a matter
>of hygiene, then most plagues should get worse rather
>than stopping, since by all accounts living conditions
>(hygiene) worsen after a plague has struck. No,
>plagues, just like infectious diseases in herds of
>wild animals, kill off the weak and frail.

        Any disease or germ has a natural rise and fall in any population
regardless of the conditions. As more and more become exposed to the germ
there becomes a collective response limiting it's environmental
conditions(internally that is). If germs are provided an environment in
which they thrive even they will be regulated by their own waste and
dwindling resources.

>>         I don't see it this way. Innate intelligence
>> is the individualized
>> personification of Universal Intelligence. You are
>> given this intelligence
>> that controls and coordinates every function in your
>> body whether you are a
>> genius or a moron, whether you are a man or dog, a
>> tree or a bug. <snip>
>Whoa. I was talking about "concious" thought. To me
>what you are describing is "being", which is another
>matter altogether.

        Conscious thought cannot exist without there first being an Innately given
ability to do so.
