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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jan 2001 17:40:50 -0700
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Posted to "Cancercured"  by Raul Lara

> A very good friend of mine was dx last week with
pancreatic cancer met to
> the liver, and the Anderson Hospital in Houston TX gave
him about 3 months
> to live.
> I would like to know if some body can help me with a full
description about
> a therapy that can save my friend`s life.

Reply by Lorenzo,

Sorry to hear this.    The answer is YES there are several
things your friend can do;  However the results I found
among my friends and relatives  is that almost no  one will
change their lifestyle.  It is so much easier to go
Conventional Medical;  suffer from the treatment;  get
sympathy and approval from all THAN  to make sensible
inexpensive changes to lifestyle.  My friend,   Jim T.  died
last month.   When he was initially diagnosed he told all of
us  that the Dr. found an Aneurysm and told him to eat more
fruits and vegetables.  Jim bought two big bags of fruit and
was offering fruit to friends.  Then he quickly forgot about
fruit -until he could not take solid food anymore- when he
started drinking fake orange juice.

For two years I advised him to quit drinking Coke,  to quit
all processed food.  Finally after he had two tumors removed
and two that could not be removed- he admitted to friends to
having cancer.   At the Hospital I told him he could touch
his cancer and tell it to go away (Imaging),  for this I got
a dirty look from his D.   I personally gave him some
powdered vitamin C with minerals-  Just before he left our
area to live at his D's home as it was close to a famous
clinic.  At first I heard from his wife that I had done the
right thing giving him vitamins as the new Dr. was going to
put him on vitamins and pain management.  Then he was put on
chemo.   Then he lost all his muscle and died a miserable
man of just skin and bones,  last month.

Raul-----I would get Linus Pauling's  book on Cancer.   I
would eat nothing out of a box but eggs.  Nothing out of a
package but Sea Salt.  Well Cinnamon and a few other
natural foods are packaged.   I would eat   brightly colored
vegetables, green leaves  and fruit that I had to wash and
cook but most of it raw.  And some liver, rare steak, rare
fish, raw nuts

I would search the net about vitamins.   I would spend a few
hundred dollars on vitamins,  after all only three months.
Pauling has a good section on how much vitamins one can

I have squamus cell carcinoma and actinous karatinosis- even
tho I can't spell them!  Skin cancers- now for thirty years.
I have had them removed several times.  Two years ago a
couple of them were getting suspicious again-   I decided to
go and have them removed.  First however I increased my
vitamin C intake from 2000 Milligrams a day to 8000
Milligrams a day.  I use powdered C,   from Bronson.  Before
I got around to making an appointment with a Dermatologist
they shrunk,   and  went away.  I also touch them and tell
them to go away.    However   I have a new tiny one now that
hurts if touched so will be taking more C.   I have several
dormant ones.    I take a lot of vitamins.  I drink a lot of
water.  I have an exercise machine to use  while  watching
TV.  I use T Meditation.  I use Google to search the net
about cancer, nutrition and vitamins.    I  DO  NOT  BELIEVE
They admit they do not study Nutrition.  I found a
fascinating book by an English Dr. working in India 100
years ago who studied nutrition.   He found that the Tribes
who ate well seldom got sick  (Hunzas) -  that the Tribes
who ate poorly were sickly-  He reported this to the British
Medical Authortiies and was met with a Deafening Silence.

I believe that there is overwhelming evidence that refined
or manufactured foods cause most of the deaths by the three
major diseases.   I can find a massive amount of historical
evidence on the net that when people ate unprocessed food
there was very little cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
Now today even the establishment is admitting that diabetes
is increasing at an alarming rate-  coincidental with the
increase in soda pop consumption.   A 12 oz. can has 39
grams of sugar.  That is ten teaspoons of sugar.

I tell people  about this but it puts them to sleep.   Very
few people are willing to change what they eat.  So the best
you can do is tell your friend about this but do not feel
bad when he/she prefers to stay on the lifestyle that she is
comfortable with.

My Grandfather born in the1870's;  claimed "They have
poisoned the bread".   He had digestive problems.  Well he
grew up with whole wheat flour which then became Graham
flour (less bran and wheat germ).  So he was right.   I did
not understand that at the time.

Don't think you are hearing from some dummy.   I passed the
two year College test when I was 17.  I have a Degree in
Science.  I am a Surveyor and Computer Engineer.   I quit
eating Sugar and White flour FIFTY years ago.  I quit eating
100% Whole Wheat Flour and Beans last year.  I have been
reading books about Nutrition for fifty years.   I have been
reading for five years now on the net about nutrition and
disease .  I only put this in for those retired living in
Florida.  Others will see by the selection of examples that
these comments stand by themselves.  And are easy to verify
on the net.

The New England Journal of Medicine recently complained in
an Editorial that  most research done now  is highly suspect
as the researchers are getting paid to find results that
favor the people funding the research.    No one is funding
any research that shows packaged  food is bad.

Raul, ----  be glad you can read and that you have the net.
Get GOOGLE and search.   Vitamins ,Cancer,Nutrition, Paleo
Food,, Caveman Food.  Google Search  is best as they do not
load the results with on-line stores-They find information
about stuff that is not for sale!  Then make up your own

Try Explorer  Steffanson  and the Eskimos. " No sugar, no
flour- No Cancer."   Try Dr. Albert Schweitzer and the
Africans . " No sugar, no flour- No Cancer."
These two populations ate mostly what is supposed to kill
us -Just Fatty High Cholesterol Stuff---Later  they got
modern jobs and ate modern food.  Guess what -  twenty years
is all it takes to get sick like us -  Then they  get
Cancer, Heart Disease and Diabetes--Just like your friends
and mine!

  Some years ago a cure for anemia was discovered.  Then it
was discovered that some of us preferred to die rather than
eat raw liver.  Such are our friends and family!

In 1937 I was 10.  I was given a Boy Scout Book.   It said
"Eat to Live;  Don't Live to Eat."   I still think that is a
good Idea.  I am now 74.  I am alive and well!

Regards,  Lorenzo