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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ingrid Bauer/J-C Catry <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Jun 2000 14:38:19 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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>I have been reading the website Jean Claude posted.
>(  It is really a book, so I
>have over half to go.  It is very interesting, and, IMHO, on topic since it
>is an argument of what is natural food for us.  Would the moderator please
>let me know if he disagrees, and I will take this off list.
>Micheal:  You said that you are eating instincto, but not raw.  How can
>be?  The text suggest that one's instincts do not work on denatured foods.
>Jean Claude: what is your opinion of this?

The experience of Clara Davis a while ago demontrate that childrens left to
chose their foods raw or cooked end up getting a "balanced" diet ( whatever
it have been decided by the experimentors to mean)

My experience proved to me that for the instinctive response to be clear and
precise the food need to be completly undenatured as found in nature. Any
denaturation that occur to transform the food will confuse the senses.There
is differents degrees of changing the molecular arangement of an aliment( it
is clear than fried foods is worse than gently steamed. There is creation of
new compound ( that can be detected by the change of aromas) which some have
been recognised at the beginning of the century  by french scientist
Maillard as very toxic.
Mixing grated or blended and seasonned  raw foods might be worst at this
level ( confusing the instinct) than gently cooked plain and whole food
 like steam cauliflower)

I rebelled from the beginning the fact that i had to let go of denatured
foods but i allways got the message over and over every time i was making
exceptions that it is what i have to do .
I just personally don't have the choice , any ingestion of denatured food
make me feel awfull putting stress on my body that i can't afford due to
the fact that i am not secreting my own cortisol.
I might experience a  weak stop with denatured foods but for some reasons i
just can't stop to eat if i do that surcharging myself and altering for the
following days the potential of pleasure coming from eating instinctivelly .
With undenatured and original foods i can't easely overeat it.

  Do you eat following the
>guidelines in the text?

I do mostly and i did rigorously for some years, but now i am in a phase of
temporarly relaxing  about sticking to it no matter what.( i mixe sometimes
As you will dicover if you practice , it is very challenging at more than
one level. But it is worth it !
The resistances to change are strong but like Einstein told us you can't
solve the problems with the same means that created them in the first place.
If you want for things to change you have only one way,  it is to change
your experience of things.

 I would like to try this, but being that is quite a
>shift from Neanderthin, I want to gather as much information as possible
>first.  Eating paleo ahs not cause many social problems for me, but it
>instincto would.

I doesn't have too but necessarelly it will change the whole perception of
the world . You will discover than changes are threatening to the idea that
you have of yourself and the ideas that others want to have of you.
I found acceptation from my entourage now but it was not always the case .
The social nproblems arised when the self confidence is not there yet . When
you have doubt about what you are doing , you get challenged by the universe
to keep going on faith
you don't have to decide for life ,the best is to give yourself a 3 weeks
period to experience it . All the informations will come from there.
Now you are right ,you need to be prepared by having access to a wide
variety of original denatured foods at hand. And that is not easy when you
don't really knows yet  what it means.

  What other changes in your body and sense of well being
>have you noticed?

My first obvious experience was a sens of release and a drastic drop in
anxiety level .
It calmed me down
I got a resistance to cold that relieve me from  frozen feets ( litterally)
that i had every winter before as a ski guide
I din't experience anymore the shock that i had before after every meals
 requiring more cortisone than i was taking) When i say shock i mean it
litterally It was putting me on the bordeline of an addison crises( deadly
insuffisance of  blood circulating cortisol)

 Do you lose fat to the point of having visible abdominal
>muscles, or is that look even natural?

I always have been very lean but the little body fats that i had got used up
( it is a characteristic of adrenal insufficiency.. Now that i eat more raw
animals fats that i used too i have a thin layer of fats under my skin that
was very very thin before
Starting instincto will not guarantee a short term lost of weight . Some
obese have experience a gain in fact at the beginning that have been
explained as a means for the body to desintoxificate the more essentials
organes first to be stored in fats till the organes of elimination can  do
their jobs safely , After the weight loss start and is irreversible as long
this way of eating is maintained.

  If there are any books or websites
Maximise immunity from Bruno Comby is a good book
instinctive nutrition From severen Schaeffer
few books in French have been written , 2 from doctors and researchers.( i
will find the references if you read French

Pangaia ( instincto community in Hawaii and Zephyr's book: instinctive

Beyond veg ( Kirt 's experiences and opinions)

>other than the one mentioned, please point me to them.  Jean Claude:  I am
>no longer moving to Alaska, so I will not be visiting your island this
>summer, but I am moving to Montana, which is a hard day's drive to your
>of the woods.  If you are following this instincto WOL, I must visit within
>the next year.

You will be welcome , 2 others instinctos friends will be here in August and
Where in Montana ? My first enconter with North american life style have
been in Bozeman before i crossed the yellowstone park on skies.