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Print Reply
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 20:23:58 EST
Sally R. Hackett <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear All-

I beg forgiveness for the length of this note - bear with me - I think there
is something in this for everyone and I pray it helps you 'faster' than it
will help me - I haven't implemented this yet so I can keep you updated if
you are interested.

I have posted in the past about Panic Attacks, Hypoglycemia, extreme food
alelrgies, continued loose bowels and food in stools, an adrenal stress.
Most of these things were never past of my life until last March - when I
started to have BMs with food only - no 'BM' stuff.  It took four months to
find out about the allergies and here it is 6 months later and I find out
about Heavy Metals.

My naturopath had me do a Heavy Metal test - this is a 'provocative' test
(whatever htat means).  I had to take a drug for 3 days and urinate in a cup
and store it in a big container in the fridge (yeah).  After 3 days, I had to
send a sample to Doctor's Data.  This test tells you all the minerals that
you are deficient or  in aabundance of as well assess all the metals you have
in your body.  My results came back LOUD AND CLEAR.

I have very low chromium, selenium, vanadium and sodium - all of which are
prime suspects in the panic attack, hypoglycemia, low adrenal and
subsequently low thyroid mysteries.

I have such a high level of mercury in my body that the result ran off the
test chart (yes folks, I don't do anything if I don't do it big!)  The doctor
said that she has never seen anyone's be so high, and in addition be so high
and not have cancer, lupus or multiple sclerosis.

She has ordered mega doses of the lacking minerals and is going to have me do
a heavy metal detox - this will involve taking a drug that will 'chelate' the
mercury out of my system and also have me do Vit C IV's to add in that
chelation and to continue to cleanse, nurture my body (my soul, heart and
mind too I might add).  this is a MANY WEEK  process.  It may not solve it, I
may have to have all my fillings pulled and at this point and have truly lost
hope of ever having another child.

I am fried, scared, freaked and not feeling well - but what have I got to
lose - besides my life and mind at this point.

If you have any experience/advice - would greatly appreciate it.  If you ahve
more questions or want to know more to help yourself or others - contact me I
will tell you what I know and what I experience.

I jsut wish she had done this 6 months ago...

Sally Hackett,  Raleigh NC