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Benecke Team <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 14:32:33 -0800
text/plain (108 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to everyone who responded about this problem. It seems celiac
people have a high incidence of this problem and it helps allot to
get others suggestions. Words of encouragement help tremendously.
Here are the replies :

I'm not sure if I have the same thing because my doctor called what I have
esophagus spasms or reflux.  He prescribed me prilosec to stop the stomach
acids and levsin to take as needed for the pain.  I also had to go on a GERD
diet which eliminated coffee (caffeine), citrus acids (oranges), tomatoes,
and a few other things I cannot remember right now (it was 1 1/2 years ago).
I was real good for a while, then I started to introduce these things back
into my diet.  I still take the prilosec once a day and keep the levsin on
hand just in case.  I haven't had to take any for a few months now.  Usually
about once a day, I go into a burping spell for a couple of minutes, then
stops once the air bubbles are released.  This is not painful, just
embarassing at times.  Hope this helps.  Good luck.


I've had CD all my life and DH since age 40, and finally found out
what was going on about a year ago at age 43.  My brother (not
diagnosed with anything) and I have had the esophageal reflux
problems for the last 6 years at least.  I deal with it by trying to
eat smaller portions at dinner than what I used to.  I find tomato-
based sauces make things worse in general.  I can drink regular
soda but diet soda makes it much worse.  I tried all kinds of things
like Pepcid etc. but I find that generally nothing works better for me
than Alka-Seltzer.  (You have to be able to stand the taste of it
though.) Things like Mylanta only make it worse.

Something I found out also is that the fumes from the esophageal
reflux can go up the esophagus and irritate the inner linings of the
nasal cavity (mainly while we sleep). This can cause nasal
stuffiness and post-nasal drip which causes further stomach upset.
My internist just put me on Flonase without looking into anything
while my brother's doctor figured out the esophageal reflux
connection. Things have been better since going on the GF diet.
Everybody is different of course.

Good luck and sorry to hear about this, but you probably will be
able to control it,


I'm a RD in Michigan.  I've heard of people using a swish and spit solution
of glutamine (an amino acid) for esophagitis with good results.  You could
try a local health food store, or vitamin store to get the glutamine.  I'd
use a sticky syrup to gargle with, so some gets down there...  Just an idea!


I went through a nasty bout of this several years ago and just recently.  I
had good luck with the pepcid.  Now I try to use common sense approach. No
eating after 7 pm - lots and lots of water.  No gluten (as far as I can
humanly determine).  The key is in getting the food to leave the small bowel

- sometimes there is a slow emptying of the stomach which causes the backup.
Tried all the high fiber foods, etc.  I make sure my calcium has magnesium
added to it to avoid the slowdown.  Hope you find something that works for you.


Sorry I don't know about esophagitis but I'm quite sure I've read that Pepcid
has gluten; however, this may be old information.  My daughter (who is
celiac) took prescription Zantac (not generic) for GERD because I believe the
medication she took for H. Pylori (ulcer bacteria) created way too much acid
in her stomach and caused the GERD.  Anyway, the Zantac didn't help, ACIPHEX
didn't help but what finally helped her was PROTONIX, a relatively new drug,
which along with ZANTAC, and ACIPHEX IS gluten free.  Good luck!  I know it
is painful because my daughter had continual burning for a couple of months
before the Protonix cleared it up in about 4 weeks.


Wendi, celiacs are prone to this because of all the gas they get from
a gluten hit. The back pressure forces acid back up the esophagus and
causes heartburn, and/or chest pain when you go to bed. The worst
offenders are alcohol and fat. Both relax the sphincter at the bottom
of the esophagus allowing acid to back up into it. Then the pain
causes the sphincter to spasm and cramp causing the chest pain. Also
avoid in this order: decaf, coffee, citrus, and acidy foods such as
tomatoes. Hope you get that under control. It is uncomfortable. -vance


I was diagnosed with Esophagitis during an endoscopy
to check on the healing of my villi about two years ago.

My gastro doctor prescribed a fairly new drug called Prevacid 30MG DR.
I take one capsule daily, usually before bedtime. It works great. It
prevents the stomach from producing too much acid and allows for the
esophagus to heal. This is important, according to my internist, because
if Esophagitis is not brought under control. it can lead to cancer.

I checked with the manufacture and the Prevacid capsules
are gluten free. There are also, two other new  drugs similar
to Previcid.

I think I checked on the Pepsid medication that you are using
before my endoscopy. I found it to contain some form of
gluten It is an over the counter medication used for indigestion. .
Please check with a specialist about what I have stated.

Let me know how things turn out.