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Sun, 26 Aug 2001 01:16:35 -0700
Valerie Wells <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Listmates, I enthusiastically reported of my dramatic reduction in
cholesterol from 440 to 193 since going GFCF (I had been on a low carb,
high protein, high fat diet last year).  I didn't mean to make any
conclusions on exactly what part of my diet change was responsible for
the drop.  I went through a lot of diet changes within the last 5 years
as I continued to experiment with this & that to find out what was making
me so darned sick.  Last year I was eating lots more red meat & cheese,
however, my cholesterol had been very high for over 5 years even when I
was on a low fat, high carb diet with very little red meat.  From my own
personal experience and the responses I received, I have gleened a few
possible reasons for the cholesterol drop: (1) I now eat far less red
meat & eggs, & NO milk products at all therefore my dietary intake of
cholesterol is lower, (2) I use soy protein & lecithin at least once
every day, foods which are reported by some to lower cholesterol and (3)
I'm GF now & gluten was somehow adversly effecting my metabolism (3) I'm
better absorbing my nutrients that I need for healthy metabolism
(calcium, B vitamins, etc.)  How much each change has contributed, I'll
never know.  I'm just happy for the results.  I had some interesting
responses & explanations as to why my cholesterol dropped. [My comments
are in brackets.]

I was also asked by many to tell my exact diet.  It's simple.  I'm gluten
free (duh, of course!) and dairy free.  I eat lots of fruits & veggies,
chicken, soy & fish.  I use olive oil & little safflower oil.  Very
little beef & pork & eggs because they upset my stomach.  I eat sweets in
moderation.  My starches are rice and a little corn & potatoes.  I use
soy lecithin in my daily soy shake (soy milk, tofu, frozen strawberries,
1 t. lecithin, olive oil)  That's about it.  Nothing special.


when your body is under stress, as from food allergies, it will produce
cholestrol.....period, end discussion.  Good for you for fighting
'them'.  Ann [Works for me!]


Researchers have found a relationship between folic acid, homocystein
and cholesterol.  High homocystein level can result in high cholesterol.
Some folks need extra folic acid to keep their levels of homocystein
normal.  It's possible that you weren't absorbing enough folic acid
before you were diagnosed and now you are. Bev in Milwaukee [Cool!]


I'm a bit unclear about your conclusion ... are you saying that your
cholesterol was high because you were eating a high protein, low carb
diet ... or that your cholesterol dropped when you omitted dairy and
eggs?  [My only conclusion was that diet made "A" difference.  Exactly
what did what, I'm not sure.  I was a bit smug, though, because my doctor
kept insisting that diet wouldn't change anything.  He believed I was
genetically predisposed to have high cholesterol, becuause my cholesterol
stayed way high no matter how I ate for many years prior, & my weight was
ideal most of that time.]


   I'm convinced that high cholesterol is a sign of high insulin
secretion. That's why the Atkin's like diet lowers cholesterol--low
carbohydrate intake lowers and levels insulin secretion.  I think that
excess insulin secretion is the demon of the American diet and causes
most if not all of the nastier diseases of middle age, i.e. heart
disease, diabetes, obesity.  One thing that has not been studied with
celiac disease is insulin secretion.  We know Type I diabetes is linked
to celiac disease, but Type II diabetes is never mentioned.  I suspect
if we did the research that Type II diabetes, which is EXCESS insulin
secretion resulting in insulin resistance,  is also linked to celiac
disease, probably thru a pancreatitis cause.  Mary Syers [Last year I
had been on an Atkins-like diet for 6 months when my cholesterol rose to
440, it's all time high, but I wasn't GF at that time. I now eat lots of
carbs every day.  Dr.  Peter D'Adamo, author of "Eat Right for Your
Type", insists that gluten adversely affects glucose metabolism in ALL
blood types.  I think he's onto something.]