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Christi Hrab <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 22:43:32 -0600
text/plain (80 lines)

I am hoping to get some helpful ideas in what seems right now to be an
overwhelming situation.  My husband has asthma (recently diagnosed in the
last 2 years), flatlined  last April, and we have been trying to deal
with his health the best way we can. I have done different lowcarb eating
plans for over three years but John really has not been able to do
anything like that for more than 2 weeks. Anyway, I have always felt
dairy was a problem for him and he has denied it and I have tried to keep
it out of the house in every form unless he bought himself junk
food.....anyway, after more problems we were able to have allergy testing
for foods yesterday. He had quite a few positives but not large on the
scale so they injected him with those to be sure. He ended up being
allergic to the following:

chicken, oranges, peas, peanuts, almonds, onions, flax seed, tomato,
dairy, soy, and wheat

The doctor said we need to "Eliminate and Challenge" to see what he is
reactive to, since being positive does not mean he will have a bad
reaction/response from those foods.

It is not as hard to avoid the things like chicken, peas, etc but the
dairy, soy and wheat all include a major list of ingredients one would
not think of as being included in the groups.

I have tried to find a few things and have, but I want him to be
satisfied with flavor and presentation of everything and I guess I am
just not knowing where to look on a few things.

Does anyone know of a book or reference source of how to know if one food
is related to another?  Since oranges came up (his grandmother was also
allergic to chicken, tomato and oranges but supposedly could have one
item in a day without a problem but too much of one or combining any of
them gave her the sneezing, watery, runny nose, etc.)....I am wondering
if anyone knows....does oranges just mean oranges or does that mean to
avoid all citrus fruit?  What about citric acid in foods? What about
vitamin C supplementation?  Any links that might help????  Please?????

I am not sure how to word it really....but for instance, onions...does
that mean garlic that someone told me is in the same family as an onion?
I need  a book or place to look to see what things are to know what the
wheat family is, etc. and I must not be looking up the right things on
the web because I am coming up with nothing. I have not found anything
like that referenced on the food allergy network or anything either.

Also, I tried the neanderthin mayo recipe (original book) tonight because
John's number one condiment (catsup, then bbq) is out and mayo processed
has soy in it ....and I guess I am not sure what is should taste like,
but it tasted very olivey to me (yes, I know its made with olive
oil)....I guess I was hoping more for a salad dressing flavor. If anyone
knows of a recipe that I might be able to replicate that would taste like
"Miracle Whip", please let me know.....

I have been trying to eat more naturally for awhile and having more high
fiber veggies and a few fruits in my diet to get more away from lowcarb
and unfortunately due to stress I have been caving in alot and cheating
on junk, which of course makes me feel worse....but with this, I know I
can stick with it because well, I do tend to think more of hubbies well
being than my own! So I would not dare bring anything in the house that
would make him feel more deprived!  I know ultimately we will end up
healthier but getting there looks like the steepest hill ever right now

I appreciate any input anyone has on any ideas, links, etc.

Thanks so much!!


~ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28

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