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Aisha Piracha-Zakariya <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 19:15:27 -0400
text/plain (54 lines)

I too have a 3 yr old daughter who went through the same symptoms from birth
until she was 7 mos. when it was concluded she had milk allergies and we
then put her on a non-milk protein, high calorie formula, so as not to
impede her growth and development.  I too was nursing her, and cut out dairy
(and all derivatives: casein (a milk protein), whey, even certain items with
molasses and malts in it), but she needed more calories which my breastmilk
could not provide.  She is still milk allergic (and nuts, peanuts). We read
all ingredients for any traces of milk each day.

Farida could be allergic to milk even if it doesn't show up on the tests.
Has she had a RAST blood test?
As far as bread is concerned - certain malts may have milk in it, at least
in my experience.  If you can find a nutritionist (or good website), that
could also help.  What about a Gastrointerologist (GI doctor)?

Here is a website which has a lot of information on allergies, symptoms,
ingredients, recipies and more.  This page has some info on milk and hidden
sources which could help.

If you can talk to a GI specialist, they may be able to see if there are
other food allergens like wheat, oats, nuts or even gluten which are causing
blood to appear in the stool.

I wish you all the best.



 QUESTION: is it possible that she IS still allergic to milk but it didnt
show up on the skin test?

QUESTION: im also wondering does bread have milk in it even though the label
doesnt indicate it? id like to be able to at least eat bread. i just dont
know if i can go on with only chicken and rice for the next year.

i have so many more questions all bottled up but this is already too long. i
hope someone can help.  thanks.

p.s. i live in egypt now so cant find a good allergist or a dr who knows
much of anything about this kind of thing.

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