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Tom Wheeler <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Sat, 5 Aug 2000 01:31:40 -0400
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August 5, 2000

Anarchism, the Creed That Won't Stay Dead
The Spread of World Capitalism Resurrects a Long-Dormant Movement

Since Karl Marx bested the anarchist leader Mikhail Bakunin in a struggle to
shape world revolution a century and a half ago, anarchism has undergone a
half-dozen resurrections and almost as many deaths.

It was crushed with the Paris Commune in 1871, suppressed in the United
States after an anarchist shot President William McKinley in 1901, destroyed
by Franco in the Spanish Civil War of the late 1930's and left to wither
away with the 1960's student radicalism. Ideologically opposed to power and
ambivalent about organization, anarchists perpetually live on the fringe of
great movements -- and on the verge of defeat.

Yet the very qualities that consign anarchism to obscurity also endow it
with many lives, if only as a prefix: anarcho-collectivism,
anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-mutualism, anarcho-individualism,
anarcho-ecologism. And at the turn of this century, it is undergoing a fresh

Black-masked anarchists stoned chain stores in Seattle during global trade
talks last year. Protesters with giant A's pasted on their shirts blocked
intersections in Washington during demonstrations against international
lending agencies last spring. They were in the streets of Philadelphia
during the Republican National Convention this week and have promised to
stalk the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles this month.

Self-described anarchists are small in number. But anarchism, broadly
construed, is becoming fashionable. There are hints of it in the way
protesters of diverse loyalties -- labor, environmental and consumer groups
among them -- have sought to become a mass but leaderless movement, a
collection of affinity groups that operate by consensus. Many of those who
oppose the institutions that enforce rules of international capitalism call
for a return to local decision-making, echoing longtime anarchist objections
to the way nation-states usurped the power of cities and towns.

The protests have often been condemned in the mainstream news media as
imbecilic and chaotic, all action and no theory. But that is also an
anarchist trait. Its adherents have long been dismissed as uneducated and
unwashed. Anarchism's most memorable slogan, coined by Enrico Malatesta of
Italy, is "propaganda by deed."

"With the decline of socialism, you have seen anarchism go through a revival
as an easy way to oppose global capitalism," said Paul Avrich, a leading
historian of anarchism who teaches at Queens College in New York.

Mr. Avrich, who has written extensively on early-20th-century American
anarchists, said anarchist cells all but disappeared by the 1970's as the
last of the European immigrants who brought the creed to the United States
died. But anarchist groups are reappearing in every major city, he says.
Today they have their own bookstores, like Blackout Books on the Lower East
Side and Social Anarchism in Baltimore. They read The Match, a popular
magazine published in Tuscon, Ariz., or Fifth Estate, a Detroit newspaper.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was probably the first person to call himself an
anarchist when he wrote "What Is Property?" in 1840. (His answer: theft.)
Proudhon advocated free bank credit and rejected parliamentary politics as
hopelessly dominated by the elite. But anarchism was defined and popularized
by Bakunin, a heavily bearded Russian insurrectionist who helped foment
uprisings across Europe in 1848.

Bakunin's motto was, "The urge to destroy is a creative urge." Unlike Marx,
Bakunin did not justify his theory as science. He described anarchists as
people who know what they are fighting against more than what they are
fighting for.

Anarchism reached critical mass as a revolutionary movement only once,
during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. But it has long touched a political
and cultural chord in the United States.

Henry David Thoreau was an exemplary anarchist, though he never called
himself one. Emma Goldman, a Russian immigrant who advocated free love,
women's rights and armed insurrection, was the best known of the immigrant
anarchists who helped prompt a red scare around World War I. (She appears in
E. L. Doctorow's novel "Ragtime" and in Warren Beatty's movie "Reds.") In
1927 the Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both
avowed anarchists, were executed after being convicted of killing a
paymaster and his guard at a shoe factory near Boston.

Anarchists consider themselves of the left, not the right. But
antigovernment ideas that sound anarchist themes are common across the
political spectrum. John Wayne, in many of his Westerns, and Mel Gibson, in
"The Patriot," play reluctant but violent American heroes called on to smash
evil so they can return to a life of bucolic isolation. The quest for pure
rebellion in some punk rock lyrics reflects the spread of anarchism, or
perhaps nihilism -- anarchism without the utopian impulses -- among

But nothing has revived anarchism like globalization. Anarchists are now
battling what they see as a concentration of power in multinational
corporations. Many oppose the spread of corporate investment across national
boundaries, which, they say, lets companies like Nike and General Electric
evade local labor and environmental laws. They have also attacked the World
Bank, the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund
because these are seen as superseding national governments.

"For the first time since the 1960's we are actually putting thought into
action," said John Zerzan, a leading anarchist thinker who lives in Eugene,
Ore. He distinguishes anarchists from traditional labor and environmental
groups that oppose many of the same aspects of globalization, though he's
not opposed to sharing the stage with them.

"We are succeeding because the liberals failed," he said. "We are less

Mr. Zerzan, 56, is a leading proponent of anarcho-primitivism, which
combines radical environmentalism with an extreme antitechnology bent. His
essays and his book "Future Primitive" espouse a theory that time and
technology are not neutral scientific realities but carefully constructed
ways to enslave people. For example, he said, the computer and the Internet
atomize society, create new divisions of labor, demand ever more efficiency
and consume ever more leisure time. To cope with the increasing strains of
our technology-driven society, alienated people by the millions are
resorting to drugs like Ritalin and Prozac.

"What we have learned is that our problem is not just control of capital,"
he said. "It is also science and technology."

Mr. Zerzan says that society should return to the Stone Age. He says that
more than 12,000 years ago, before agriculture allowed a class of people to
leave food production to others, hunter-gatherers were as intelligent and as
healthy as people today. And he argues that an old anthropological
conundrum -- why it took man so long to develop agriculture -- should now be
posed in reverse. "The question now is why we ever developed agriculture,"
he said.

Mr. Zerzan writes long hand. He does not use the Internet and owns no car.
He lives in cooperative housing in Eugene, which he has helped turn into a
beehive of anarchist activity. Like Bakunin and earlier American anarchists,
he argues that property damage is a legitimate tactic, an effective way to
attract attention.

"We are not library theorists," he said. "We are activists." But he added
that while he approved of the antitechnology principles of Theodore J.
Kaczynski, the Unabomber, he condemned the taking of human life.

Many other anarchists call anarcho-primitivism a disturbing trend, and,
perhaps not surprisingly, sectarian strife among the anarchists is rampant.
An old guard supports ethical anarchism, a type of modified socialism that
calls for eliminating the nation-state while embracing nonauthoritarian
local government. Ethical anarchists reject violence, and some view
technology like the Internet as tools to achieve freedom. Many also say that
anarcho-primitivists tend to be antiwork and antiworker, which forecloses
the possibility of a lasting alliance with labor unions.

The anarcho-primitives "carry a black flag in one hand and a welfare check
in the other," an anarchist named Janet Biehl wrote in a recent Internet
essay. Others have called Mr. Zerzan a "McAnarchist" who dumbs down
anarchism and corrupts "young gullibles" with mystical visions of life
before civilization.

Murray Bookchin, an 80-year-old Vermont-based social theorist who calls
himself a communalist, has sharply criticized recent trends in anarchism,
though he claims his own writings have contributed to the rise of Direct
Action Network and other antiglobalization protest groups.

Mr. Bookchin wrote "Post-Scarcity Anarchism" in the 1960's. In that book, he
merged environmentalism and anarchism into a broader theory of how the state
and capitalism are at war with nature. But he says some anarchist groups
have taken the ecological message too far, becoming misanthropic nihilists
who ignore anarchism's core humanitarian message.

"Just when there is rising interest among young people," Mr. Bookchin said,
"we are shooting ourselves in the foot."

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"Our first work must be the annihilation of everything
as it now exists."  -  Mikhail Bakunin