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"Anita H. Makuluni" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 11:24:04 -0600
text/plain (132 lines)
See the Youth Declaration for a New Civil Rights Movement...

The Bush Wars are being waged on all fronts, including your own
backyard. Forewarned is forearmed, so arm yourself with intelligence
and peace, my teenaged pooh bear.




                 * Please forward this email widely *

On April 1, thousands of high school and college students will
march through the streets of Washington, DC to the U.S. Supreme
Court demanding that the high court uphold affirmative action in
the University of Michigan cases. These two cases represent a
turning point in regard to race relations and for our entire
society. This is a struggle for integration and equality in
education and throughout American life. Now is the time to stand

Affirmative action is a desegregation plan for higher education.
If affirmative action is barred, higher education in America will
be resegregated. Already, integration plans in K-12 education
have been attacked across the country. As a result, segregation
in K-12 education increased dramatically.

A VICTORY AT THE SUPREME COURT will open up a new struggle for
progress towards integration and equality in education and
throughout American society. A victory will present a better
opportunity than we have had for generations to reconcile the
segregated, unequal reality of our educational system with the
hope and pride that the overwhelming majority of Americans of all
races feel in the prospect of integration and equality.

A DEFEAT would outlaw any and all active integrationist measures
in this society, without which there has never been and can never
be any prospect of genuine integration. If positive
integrationist measures are barred, Brown v. Board of Education
will be a dead letter.

An unprecedented, public divide between President Bush and
Secretary of State Colin Powell over the University of Michigan
affirmative action policies illustrates the peculiar importance
of these cases. The outcome of this struggle teeters on a razor's
edge between victory and defeat. Your voice and your organizing
can tip the balance. Only this civil rights march can guarantee
victory in these critical cases. We have a little over two months
to force a positive change in history.

BEGIN ORGANIZING a contingent from your school, trade union,
church, or community organization immediately. Do not wait to
hear back from us. Spread the word about the march; take the
pledge and call to action (see below); email everyone you know,
all your friends and relatives. Tell them this historic turning
point demands their voice.

Now is the time to affiliate your organization to BAMN or form a
local chapter of BAMN (Guidelines for doing both are found in
points #1 & 2 in the BAMN Principles:

The new civil rights movement must meet either victory or defeat
at the Supreme Court with a greatly expanded fight to make real
the promise of Brown v. Board of Education - the long-deferred
promise of integration and equality.

Please contact us with any ideas or questions. Please forward
this email everywhere. Together, we can win.

-The National Organizers of BAMN.
   [log in to unmask]

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action & Integration,
And Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
www.bamn.com - [log in to unmask]


* List of What You Can Do:

* Civil Rights March on the Supreme Court info page

* Printable copy of the Pledge/Call to Action:

* General information about affirmative action, fact sheets and
    myths and facts hand outs:

* Printable Civil Rights March to the Supreme Court posters to
    post up on your campus or in your workplace:

* Information on the University of Michigan affirmative action

* For a draft resolution in support of the Civil Rights March to
    the Supreme Court:

* For a printable copy of the Petition to Support Affirmative
    Action Before the US Supreme Court:

* Sign the petition online at:
    [cut & paste the above link to forward to others in you own

<  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  ><  ==  >
Anita H. Makuluni * Madison WI * [log in to unmask]

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