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Felix Ossia <[log in to unmask]>
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AAM (African Association of Madison)
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 20:12:09 -0500
text/plain (135 lines)
A Sampling of Latin Phrases

By The Associated Press

October 11, 2002, 1:49 PM EDT

Some basic Latin phrases that beginning students might learn,
compliments of Mark Keith, Latin teacher at Chancellor High School in
Fredericksburg, Va.:

Salvete, discipuli! "Greetings, students!"

Salve, magister/magistra! "Greetings, teacher! (masculine/feminine)"

Quid agitis hodie? "How are you today?"

Defessus "Tired"

Laetus "Happy"

Satis bene "OK"

Tibi gratias ago. "Thank you."

Est nihil. "It is nothing."

Quaenam est tempestas hodie? "What is the weather today?"

Sol lucet. "The sun is shining/Sunny."

Pluit. "It is raining/Rainy."

Ningit. "It is snowing."

Est calida/frigida/tepida. "It is hot/cold/warm."

Nimbosa. "Cloudy."

Aperite tuos libros. "Open your books."

Recitate vocabularia/verba/sententiam. "Recite the vocabulary/the
words/the sentence."

Demonstra nobis in tabula geographica.... "Show us on the map...."

Tacete, omnes! "Be quiet, everyone!"

Tace, quaeso! "Be quiet, please!"

Attendite nuntia! "Listen/pay attention to the announcements!"

Attende magistrum/magristram. "Pay attention to the teacher

Repete/repetite. "Repeat."

Cogita! "Think!"

Utere tuo cerebro! "Use your brain!"

Studete bene! "Study well!"

Scribe tua verba/tuam sententiam in tabula nigra. Write your words/your
sentence on the blackboard."

Bene! "Well done!"

Melius! "Better!"

Optime! "Very well done!"

* __

Some recognizable Latin words and phrases that are used in everyday

alibi: proof of absence from a crime scene (literally "elsewhere")

alter ego: other self

ad hoc: for an immediate purpose, as in an ad hoc committee

ad infinitum: to infinity

ad lib (ad libitum): as one pleases

alma mater: school one attended (literally "nourishing mother")

bona fide: in good faith

carpe diem: seize the day

e pluribus unum: one out of many

et cetera: and so forth, and the rest

magnum opus: an artist's greatest piece of work

mea culpa: my fault

moratorium: a delay

non sequitur: statement that doesn't follow from what came before
(literally "not following")

per cent (per centum): per hundred

per diem: daily

per se: in and of itself

persona non grata: unwelcome person

quid pro quo: something for something

quorum: minimal number of people needed (literally "of whom")

semper fidelis: always faithful

status quo: the current state of being

subpoena: legal order to appear in court (literally "under penalty")

verbatim: word-for-word

Copyright (c) 2002, The Associated Press

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