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African Association of Madison, Inc.


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Joseph Brewoo <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 16:14:20 -0600
text/plain (99 lines)
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here are the guidelines for the usage of the AAM Listserve as it was
sent to me when this email address subscribed to the list. Please, keep
a copy for your reference.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of AAM and that of my family, we
extend an enjoyable THANKSGIVING holiday to you all.

Joe Brewoo
Vice President, AAM

---------------------- Forward Header ----------------------
Subject: FWD: Usage guidelines for AAM
Author: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 1/25/01 4:08 PM

Welcome to the African Association of Madison, Inc., (AAM)
discussion list.  This discussion list is being brought to you
through the kind sponsorship of St. Johns University, New York,

The AAM discussion list is a private list for the purpose of
facilitating communications among AAM members. Specifically,
the discussion list will be used to distribute announcements,
action alerts, meeting agenda and minutes, as well as to
provide a discussion forum on issues relevant to Africa, our
African, and friends of Africa community here in Madison and

African Association of Madison, Inc., is a federally recognized
501(c) non-profit organization and registered also by the state
the of Wisconsin as such.  The purpose and goals of the
Association include: a) To serve as a forum to unite in purpose,
and bring together people of African descent and friends of
Africa in Madison and Wisconsin in general. b) To promote and
encourage the collective cultural, social and economic welfare
of its membership. c) To safeguard the diverse African
heritages and traditions inherent in the rich cultures of the
continent, and serve as a medium to disseminate and share
these heritages and traditions with the Wisconsin community.
d) To achieve this goal, this association initiates constructive
activities and develops cooperative relationships with
institutions, groups and individuals that share a common
concern for the community. e) Specifically, the association's
activities include, but not be limited to, needs assessment and
programs in education, youth development and social

We encourage increased participation in the AAM discussion
list, so if you wish to submit membership nominations, please
contact Katim Touray at 608/273-9914.  The AAM discussion list
email is confidential, so subscriptions to the discussion list
require prior approval of the AAM Executive Committee.

If you wish to send a message to the discussion list, please
use the subject line as a clear title to indicate the content of the
message. Please, keep the content of each message strictly on
the thread of the subject line. lease, do the same when replying
to messages.  This will help members who set their
subscription option to index retrieve information from the list's

To send a message to the discussion list so all members can
read it, please send email to: [log in to unmask]

Please, send all messages regarding your subscriptions
options to: [log in to unmask]

Your initial subscription options will allow you to receive all
messages as they are sent to the discussion list.  You may
change your subscription options to index (table of contents) or
digest (one mailing with all messages for the day).  Either type
of subscription can be set by sending email to
[log in to unmask] with the message: set
cu index or set cu digest.  You may use either upper or lower
case to send commands to the list server.

If you have any subscription problems, or would like further
information about the AAM discussion list, please contact:

Katim Touray
dekat@it is.com

E. Aggo Akyea
aggo@it is.com

To unsubscribe/subscribe or view archives of postings, visit:


AAM Website:  http://www.danenet.wicip.org/aam